WashU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

my son accepted. ACT 35, 10 AP, 6AP before junior all 5, sat2 math 800, USACO platinum. other 2 national rewards in CS and two international rewards in CS. One national writing rewards, one international writing rewards. And many regional/state speech debate rewards.




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For those who are accepted, what are your major? Is there Anyone who major in CS?

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Public Health

Waitlisted :confused:

accepted !! first private school acceptance so I’m so thrilled


4.82 W, 4.0 UW, top 1% of class,
5 AP ( all 5 on exams) + 6 AP senior year + 2 college courses + 1 UC course (all As)
1570 SAT
NM Commended

Accepted: UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSD, Haverford and a dozen more.


4.0uw international student Test Optional
No APs or IB
Applied for the joint program in business & CS
It was my a reach anyway🤧

Last year’s Common Data Set:
Freshman enrollment. 1,801

Applicants: 27,949
Accepted ED 1,080
Accepted: RD 4,477

Waitlisted. 2,696
Accepted position on waitlist 915

Unlike most schools WUSTL did not disclose how many students were enrolled off the WL. Know that for most competitive schools, your chance of being enrolled off the waitlist is <5%.

i was accepted TO!


what is your major? Is it CS?

Is business +CS better than CS?

D accepted. Will likely decline, but she really liked it when she visited and there’s a chance we’ll return for another visit over the next month.

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Biology(including all the subdivisions/neuroscience)

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Check again. Number who accepted waitlist was 2700. the 900 number is how many got accepted off waitlist. This is because kids are applying to so many top schools these past years so something similar might happen.


Biology/Spanish Major
ACT 36
4.0 UW
11 APs
NM Commended
Lots of leadership, service, etc.

Looks like good company in the waitlist group.

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@Umccgs Daughter who was accepted is a CS major (though also put Chem). She’s got two other top reach schools that she’s still waiting to hear from.

General comment -

Booked her Admitted Student experience today for mid-April. Third time to WashU, but first time where the school can interact (previous visits were self-guided covid tour and then tour/visit with class of 2024 student). We’ll see if it tips the scale!

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To add yourself to the waitlist, is there anything needed other than clicking the box?

PNP Major
SAT 1540
3.91 UW
12 APs
a LOT of service, formal research + published paper.