WashU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Yeah I saw that, but thought, that’s got to be a typo! I’ve tracked CDS from a ton of selective schools that that number - 900 off the waitlist is way out of the norm. Brown and Northwestern, the next closest numbers are 100 or so. Also the schools that choose not to disclose numbers typically disclose the # waitlisted but not # accepted a spot or # enrolled from waitlist. Everything seemed wrong about those numbers. but who knows…everything is crazy right now.


@LeeMajors I interpreted it to mean that the offered waitlist to the larger number (abt.2700) and the 900 number were people who opted to stay/accept the waitlist versus decline or withdraw, not the number actually moved from waitlist to admission? But maybe I’m wrong in that. That would make much more sense to me bc that’s way too high of a waitlist admission number for this size of a school? :woman_shrugging:t2:


Right. I agree totally. The other way around (as submitted on their CDS) is like 10x outside of the norm.



Accepted, CS
UW 4.0 / 12+ APs
SAT 1550/ACT 35
Varsity Sport Captain
Solid leadership/very good ECs+CS related ECs/Volunteering etc
Withdrawn/declined the offer this week.


Do you know where you will attend yet?

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Accepted: Georgia Tech (cs), UMICH (cs), UIUC (cs), UCSD (cs)
Accepted & withdrawn this week: Northeastern, Case, Wisconsin, Minnesota Twin Cities, Washu, Johns Hopkins
Waitlisted: UCB EECS

S22 will be deciding in next week. I think most probably Georgia Tech (cs) OR UIUC (cs)


Good luck!

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Does anyone know when the earliest date one could receive an update from the waitlist status? i.e. is it possible to be notified before May 1?

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Are you private school by chance?

Yes —you?

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I believe it’s correct. On their faq, they say 200 students enrolled in 2020 from the waitlist. So 900 getting offered a spot makes sense.


Anyone going on coming Saturday admittance day ?

Scheduled my tour for April 23rd


Can a lower income person who was not a scholarship finalist / winner tell me how his financial aid package looks like?

I have a question re class size since Wash U isn’t as small as a SLAC or as big as Big Ten school. I understand that many intro classes will likely be large (great than 50 or 100) people. But once you get past these, are there a lot of classes with less than 30 students where there is interaction and discussion with a professor (as opposed to a TA)? Thanks.

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yes, once you get past intro classes, class size is quite small. However all intro classes also have subsections(that are required) as well as additional study groups (that are not required but you can often get an additional credit for these if you attend). If you want to see specifics for yourself, google Washington University in st louis courses. You will be able to see all classes by semester including next semester (which students have not yet register for) as well all semesters going back a few years. Just click on a college, then pick a subject area, then click on any course of interest. It will show class sizes and how many actually took the class and if there were any waitlisted.

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That hasn’t been my daughters experience. Org1 and Org2 were very large classes, as well as upper level Bio classes. The only small classes have been in Spanish and some Anthro.

Candidly, that’s been a disappointment. So far no opp to know profs.

That is the experience my student has had so far. Intro classes have 100-150 students with a recitation each week as well as PLTL (not required but if you attended the required number of sessions you get a credit). Even with the large lectures my student has gotten to interact with the professor and TAs but that was initiated by my student.