
<p>Global warming--hum bug.</p>

<p>This was sent to my wife.</p>

<p>It's winter in Wisconsin
And the gentle breezes blow,
70 miles per hour at 52 below.
Oh, how I love Wisconsin
When the snow's up to your butt.
You take a breath of winter air
And your nose is frozen shut.
Yes, the weather here is wonderful,
I guess I'll hang around.
I could never leave Wisconsin ,
'Cause I'm frozen to the ground.

<p>news:</a> Fat border collie survives being frozen to sidewalk</p>

<p>Is it cold??
Oh, my . . . when people ask these questions . . .
Yes, yes, yes! But you will adjust. After all, we all manage to live here.
And to all you Marquette and Milwaukee bashers -- certainly, you are entitled to your opinions. But please don't make them sound like gospel truth.
Marquette has done so much to its campus since the mid 1990s, it's very pretty. Milwaukee is not simply gritty and unsafe. It has lots of fantastic preserved architecture and lots to do on Water Street, in the Third Ward, and other areas. Why not ask some of the kids who are there rather than someone who hasn't lived in Milwaukee for years and who doesn't attend the school?
Yes, Madison is great . . . I love Madison. Younger D will apply there as well as to Marquette. You can sing the praises of Madison without totally denigrating Marquette and Milwaukee.
Had to get that off my chest!</p>

<p>Marquette's campus will forever be bound by its geography. This IS the UW thread and alumni and students posting here would have chosen elsewhere if we had wanted to, but UW is by far the best academic institution and campus in the state.</p>

<p>these recent posts are scaring me! i heard that the weather in wisco is pretty rough right now, and with finals going on it seems kinda hellish. As an ignorant to all weather Southern California Girl, im a bit nervous. Is is worth leaving california for wisconsin if I can get into a decent school here? and what exactly does it mean by the weather is "baumy"? Please sell this school to me! major pros and cons please? </p>

<p>Again, thank you all to responding to this thread! I really appreciate all of your help and time!</p>

<p>Balmy weather means mild and pleasantly warm.
Don't let these posters scare you. They are just having a good time bragging
about the conditions. Young people can adjust to the cold easily. Right now there is
a lot of snow in Wisconsin, but it's not all that cold. Last year at my daughter's high school, I would see male students saunter across the parking lot at this time of year with no jackets and short sleeves. The girls tended to walk briskly.</p>

<p>for cali people or to anyone who knows about the UC's...would you chose UC Santa Barbara or UC Davis over Wisconsin? </p>


<p>Well, I applied to all three of those schools and if accepted at all three would like to go to UW. First off, UW has major sports and school spirit and I really like that while those UCs do not. Second, UW has a much better business school than either of those UCs. Concerning weather, the UCs are temperate the entire year, though living in CA my whole life I'm looking for a change from that with more defined seasons. Don't get me wrong, I would love going to the beach everyday, but UW's climate just really appeals to me. The only issue /w UW is that its OOS and doesn't really offer merit scholarships like UIUC for example does. But ya overall UW would be my choice even though its about 6-10k more per year than the UCs.</p>

<p>My S chose Wisconsin over Davis among others. We're from Cali but he really wanted a school with lots of "spirit" along with a good academic reputation. He absolutely LOVES Wisconsin. Although the Pac-10 has a number of schools with great spirit nothing comes close to the Big-10!!!! Remember nothing is forever. Undergrad is only 4-5 years. You can head back to the more temperate climate for Grad school!</p>

<p>Yup, the right clothes can take care of most winter problems but you cannot duplicate the overall UW experience in many places.</p>

<p>I've lived in Wisconsin my whole life. You just adjust to the cold. I'd rather have it be cold in the winter and comfortable in the summer than warm in the winter and really hot in the summer. </p>

<p>Many days it's 20 or 30 degrees outside, and you'll be fine, even with a sweatshirt, if you're walking and won't be outside for more than 20 minutes. The 5 or 10 days a year that it's below 0 are the days you'll want to run to and from class and really bundle up.</p>

<p>Consider the flip side, especially during the school year, air conditioning is still a luxury, many permanent residents don't have it.</p>

<p>Today the Weather Channel said Madison has had over 5 inches since monday. I've heard mixed reviews on their snow plowing and keeping paths clean. How's it going this year?</p>

<p>See for yourself about the roads. The link is to the Wisconsin DOT traffic cameras in Madison.</p>

<p>Madison-area</a> Camera images</p>

<p>None of these are around the university proper though but it will give you a flavor of the roads. The sidewalks around the university can be more treacherous just because of the large amount of foot traffic compacting the snow.</p>

<p>Lunch and CHEESE and dinner and CHEESE
Fall and CHEESEand winter and CHEESE
Chips and CHEESE and jerky and CHEESE
Nuts and CHEESE and turkey and CHEESE
Cheese with pies and peppers and peas
Cheese and SNOW and hockey and SNOW
Cows and SNOW Milwaukee and SNOW
Boots and SNOW and dripping and SNOW
Ice and SNOW and slipping and SNOW
Wind andSNOW, a car that won't go
Snow and BEER and bowling and BEER
Golf and BEER and trolling and BEER
School and BEER and sledding and BEER
Love and BEER and (a) wedding and BEER
Cold beer here, getcher beer here
Slush and ALE and Monterey JACK
Flakes and BRIE and a cheap six PACK
Drifts and curds and a head of good suds
Cheese whiz ICE and couple of BUDS
All keeps well at thirty degrees

<p>Quirky winter memory from my UW college days: tripping/stumbling on the chunky frozen barf Saturday mornings on the way to Memorial Library.</p>

<p>Now that certainly makes me want to send my kid to Madison.... : (</p>

<p>S1--Only difference is that it's frozen.</p>

<p>Any college town of this size you'll see the occasional "puddle." ;)</p>

<p>But yes, so true, '85.</p>

<p>UW-Madison</a> Students Want To Beat Snowball Fight Record - Madison News Story - WISC Madison</p>

<p>This looks fun!</p>