What are my chances at getting into the University of Wisconisn Madison?

Freshmen Year
Weighted GPA- 3.500 AP Human Geography (2 B’s), Algebra 2 (2 C’s), Physics (2 B’s), English 9 (2 A’s), Health (A), Physical Ed (A), Engineering (2 A’s), Spanish 1 (1 B) (1 C)
Unweighted GPA-3.214
Student Ambassador, Debate, Congress, 200 hours of community service, Published Essay, In program at UW Madison

Sophomore Year
Weighted- 4.285 AP U.S. History 2, Honors English 10, Geometry, Acting, Biology, PLTW, Spanish 2.
Unwighted- 4.0 (All A’s)
Class Rank- 3 of 116
Published 3 essay’s, student ambassador, High School Announcer, Track and Field, NHS, Leadership Program, In program at UW Madison

Junior Year (Ending 1st semester)
Weighted - 4.4 AP Macroeconomics (B), AP Calculus AB (B), AP Psychology (A), AP Capstone Seminar (A), AP English (A), Chemistry (A), Spanish 3 (A)
Unweighted- 3.71
Class Rank- 3 of 116
National Honor’s Society President, Student Council Vices President, 2 different leadership programs, Member of the Black Student Union, High School Announcer, In Program at UW Madison
PSAT score 1060, ACT score 25.

I’m really trying to get into UW-Madison to get this 5 year tuition paid off. I’m a resident in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Any more suggestions to boost my review? I will be the first generation in my family to go to college as well.
Is this a great review of my 3 years into high school? I’m interested in majoring in Risk Management and Insurance.
Will I be a good applicant? If you were an admission counselor at UW Madison, would you consider me for acceptance? Waiting List? Also, will they look at my AP classes I took, because I could have gotten a 4.0, without having those AP. Will they see I challenged myself?

Your ACT is below Wisconsin’s 25th percentile, and I don’t know if your string of Bs, even in AP classes, can fully compensate for that. I’d give you a 45 to 55% chance of acceptance.
