<p>Okay, so my SSAT score is a 2400, which is the 99th percentile.
My EC's are:
track & field</p>
<p>Oh, and I have highly favorable recommendations.</p>
<p>What do you think? I'm applying for 9th grade, by the way.</p>
<p>Okay, so my SSAT score is a 2400, which is the 99th percentile.
My EC's are:
track & field</p>
<p>Oh, and I have highly favorable recommendations.</p>
<p>What do you think? I'm applying for 9th grade, by the way.</p>
<p>I also did science fair in 7th grade and am in math counts right now (8th grade).</p>
<p>your SSAT is pretty godly</p>
<p>you may be a bit lacking with ECs</p>
<p>how’s your grades?</p>
<p>Are you kidding about your SSAT?</p>
<p>If your SSAT score is true, what studying techniques did you use? Any specific books? LOL</p>
<p>is that the only school ur applying for?</p>
<p>Why are you bothering even asking, you know its not possible to get higher than a 99% on the SSAT so you know that you pretty much aced them. Are you seriously doubting yourself? or just trying to boast? if you have highly favorable rec’s, then are you trying to say your not sure if they are going to get you in? I don’t know about your Ec’s (how long you’ve been doing them) and I don’t know if your grades are any good, but if both your grades and Ec’s are as good as the SSAT’s and the rec’s and your still doubting your ability to get into the school (its not even like its as “top notch” as E/A) then either you are lying and trying to make people feel bad, or boasting to try to make people feel bad. Either way, you shouldn’t be posting a chance thread if it is obviously really good.</p>
I have straight A’s.
I didn’t use any specific books, but I did order SSAT’s Study Guide on their site. I also went to [SSAT</a> - Online Student Guide](<a href=“http://www.ssat.org/publicsite.nsf/ssat/info/home]SSAT”>http://www.ssat.org/publicsite.nsf/ssat/info/home) and PREPARING FOR THE TEST. I just looked over all the information on there and answered the Sample Test Questions. I did the QUESTION OF THE DAY and WORD OF THE DAY as well.
I’m asking for chances for reassurance, as is everyone else. I’m not sure what kind of qualifications are expected of Collegiate School, so I’m not sure whether to doubt myself or not, and I’m not trying to boast. Obviously people on here can’t chance me on details that are hard to know without seeing, like rec’s. I just put “highly favorable rec’s” so that it would be easier for people to judge me based on other qualities. I’m sorry if I came across as arrogant on this thread, if I could I would take it down now, as I can see it could give people that impression.</p>
<p>Collegiate School is extremely competitive, as you know. It’s very difficult to gain acceptance unless you have a major connection or are a URM.</p>
<p>which Collegiate School are we talking about, the one in NYC or the one in VA?</p>
I have both, in fact. Both my parents and my grandparents went to Collegiate School and we’re Native American.
I’m talking about the one in NYC, hopefully that’s what everyone else has been talking about too.</p>
<p>You are in…</p>
<p>Why are you asking for chances? Are you so insecure that you need pats on the back?</p>
<p>what a URM?</p>
<p>Under represented minority (black, native american, etc.), Improves chances for these schools by a lot…fairly or unfairly URM will always help with admissions.</p>
Allow me to redirect you to a post I made earlier.
That is, reassurance that I have a chance. There’s really no other point to chance threads.</p>
<p>You had not posted all relevant information in your original post.</p>
<p>Relevant to what? I thought I was pretty clear in that post why I wanted a chances thread.</p>
<p>I go to Collegiate first let me say it is the best school in the country, so very hard to get into, but it looks like you have a good chance. However there are so many kids with the same scores.</p>
<p>Vom you are a fraud. Glad to see both your parents went to Collegiate must be nice to be born to the first male who had a sex change and then got pregnant. It’s an all boys school, so get real bud. See Ya Fraudster!!!</p>