<p>Do you think it would be silly for me to apply? I am interested in Gallatin and the Silver School of Social Work. Can you recommed anything to make me a stronger applicant?</p>
<p>SAT I: 1780
Break Down: 670 Critical reading, 480 Math, 630 Writing
SAT II: Will take Math 1, Literature, and Biology
ACT: 26
GPA: 3.8 on a 4.0 scale
Rank: N/A Homeschooled student
Course Load for Senior Year: Spanish 3 (online class), AP Music Theory (online class), Macroeconomics, AP Physics (online class), English 102 (dual enrollment at local university), (haven't decided what math I will be doing, or if it will be at home or at the university)</p>
<p>Extra Curricular:</p>
<p>Piano - started late at the age of 13, love to play, I participate in The Piano Guild yearly. I will so be auditioning at the Intermediate C level, National Program (4 years)</p>
<p>Tae Kwon Do - became and assistant instructor and taught students of all ages, participated in local tournaments, and trained 1-2 hours 4-5 nights a week. As an assistant instructor, I had the privilege of teaching a class of mentally disabled adults for 1 year. (3 years)</p>
<p>American Kennel Club competition events - this is a very unique, and lifelong EC of mine. I train and compete with my three dogs in Rally Obedience, Obedience, Conformation, and Junior showmanship. Participation in these sports requires long hours spent training with my dogs, as well as patience and creativity. I use positive training to modify animal behavior, and have helped other dog owners with their dogs in addition to training my own pets. My dogs and I have earned multiple Rally Obedience titles, won multiple 1st places and Best Junior Handlers in Junior showmanship, won multiple Best of Breeds, and completed a Grand Champion title. (We have been invited to the Eukanuba National Dog show because of this last accomplishment) (4 years)</p>
<p>Work Experience:</p>
<p>My younger brother has autism, I frequently watch him. </p>
<p>I have a passion for all things dog related, and groom several dogs as a small side business.</p>
<p>Summer Activities: Dog competition events, will be taking piano lessons from a college professor, will be taking an English and Math class at a local university, and will be doing therapy dog work with one of my dogs</p>
<p>Trained one of my dogs for, and successfully completed the Delta Society Pet Evaluation. This dog is now a registered therapy animal with the Delta Society. We will be visiting people at institutions like hospitals, nursing homes, and schools. </p>
<p>School Type: Homeschool, small town, southern US</p>