I applied to UCSD, UCB, UCSB, UCI, and UCD. UC Davis is the one I have my hopes up for. Applied for bio major at all of them.
Not ELC (top 9% of school), but qualify for top 9% in statewide path.
4.25 UC GPA
3.9 UW
30 ACT
200+ hours as warehouse assistant supervisor and volunteer trainer at food bank
100+ hours running the main desk at my local hospital
American Cancer Society Club president and former board member
Badminton Club Secretary
For my essays, I wrote about my early struggles of learning English after immigrating, my hobby of producing music, the time a man had a heart attack as I was rushing him to the ER during my shift at the hospital, and the time I first gained leadership experience at the food bank.
UCI/UCSB/UCD - match
UCSD - high match
UCB - high match/low reach
your gpa is really good but your ACT is on the low side. however, since UCs prioritize gpa over test scores, you will probably be fine.
UCD’s bio dept. is pretty competitive but i think you’ll get in.
the reason why i put UCSD as a high match is because all biological sciences majors there are capped (not sure if they’re capped at UCD). i’m pretty sure you’ll get into UCSD as a whole, but since the biology majors are so competitive, you may get in as undeclared, depending on your second-choice major. was your second-choice major also a biological science or was it something else?
idk if not being ELC will hurt you. your UC GPA is very good, but they want to know that you have done well in the context of your HS. you’ll be fine for UCI, UCD, and UCSB, but the lack of ELC may hurt for SD and B.
good luck!
I agree with @wormholes assessment for the UC’s. What are your safety schools since UC’s can be unpredictable especially for Biology since it is impacted/capped along with being an extremely popular major among applicants?
Acceptances at all, but at UCB, I’d say waitlist, then potential acceptance (because of your ACT).
i would say that some good safeties for you would be UCR, UCSC, SDSU, SJSU, SFSU, and Cal Poly Pomona/SLO. obviously those are a lot more than you need, but that’s a list from which you could pick 3-4.
@Gumbymom I didn’t choose undeclared as a second option, it was an ucapped science major though, can’t remember which
@wormholes I have SCU, UoP, and SFU as my safeties. Should be getting answers from them soon.
@aimlessbeats In that case, you will probably get into your other science major if you are not admitted to biology. I don’t know what those are, but it’s good that you have safeties and you’ll be hearing back soon
i’m dying from the wait already!!!