What are my chances for UCs?

SAT: 1500 (700 RW, 800 Math)
SAT Essay: 6/6/6
SAT II: Planning to take Bio M and Math 2, but don’t know if I’ll be able to do well on them :confused:
GPA: 3.89 UW, 4.17 W
AP: All 5’s: WHAP, Music Theory, Calc AB, APUSH, Lit
Senior AP Courses: Macro Econ, Gov, Calc BC, Bio

3rd Place USOMC (Piano)

12 years piano (CM Level 10+)
7 years flute/band (got into school’s Wind Ensemble this year)
President of “art-commission” type club (grade 12)
Secretary (grade 11)/VP (grade 12) of Animation Club
Secretary of GSA and Japanime clubs (grade 12)
Member of National Honor Society (grade 12)
~45 hours volunteering at public library

Gender: Female
Race: Asian
State: California

Intended Major: Biological Sciences, Human Physiology, Neurobiology etc. (pre-med program)

I’m applying for all the UCs except for Merced, Riverside, and Santa Cruz

If needed:
Using the GPA Calculator for the University of California:
Unweighted GPA: 3.88
Weighted GPA: 4.16
Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.16

You are a competitive applicant for all the UC’s but still consider UCLA/UCB Reach schools. I am sure you will have several school options in the Spring and hopefully you have at least one safety school on your list. Best of luck.

UCB - reach
UCLA - reach
UCSD - low reach
UCSB - match
UCD - match
UCI - safety

ECs nor awards don’t reflect interest in STEM at all. I honestly think you should apply as a music major. You haven’t taken any AP life science tests like bio or chem. Good luck!

Sorry, but I would not consider UCI a safety school with a 28.8% acceptance rate, but more of a solid Match.

You’re in the 50-50 category for the second tier schools (UCI, UCD, UCSD, UCSB) so the odds that you’ll get into at least one of the Top 6 is decent. Nevertheless it might be a good idea to click UCSC and UCR as a safety just in case.

I think I’d rather just go to community college, save some money, then TAG to Davis ^^’ Thanks for your input though!

If you’re willing to go to CCC, that’s a great safety option.

I just found out that UCs don’t usually look at senior year grades? In that case, my unweighted GPA is a 4.0 and weighted GPA would be a 4.21, does that improve my chances at all?

Senior grades are not considered in UC admission decisions but maintain good grades is essential in keeping your provisional admission.

A 4.21 capped weighted does make you a more competitive applicant but still consider UCB/UCLA Reach schools.

For 12th, you do need to make sure you get Cs and higher, 3.0 weighted GPA minimum still required, (3.0 unweighted for UCB and UCLA). Also, a couple of Cs may cause problems for UCLA and UCB also IIRC. Not maintaining grades upon acceptance is grounds for rescinding.