what are my chances? maryland, uva, villanova, temple, drexel?

<p>I will have around 100 credits completed. I am applying for Fall 2009. I want to major in business. Switched major multiple times so that is why I have so many courses. I have around a 3.8gpa and have taken courses like anatomy, bio, chem, physics, health courses, and a bunch of general education requirements. My HS SAT score was extrememly low with a 1050 but I will be applying after completed 100 colllege credits. I have done some leadership extra curriculars and member of a few clubs. Any input would be great. Thank you.</p>


<p>your sat scores will matter very little at this point, so thats good. being so close to graduation, I’m not sure how adcomms would view this…anybody have any experience/input on transferring so late in the game?</p>

<p>could you elaborate on your ec’s? what college are you currently at?</p>

<p>Why are you transferring so late? you know your going to lose alot of your credits.</p>

<p>i started as an education major and then i decided to do biology but i figured out that i really want to major in business. I am figuring I will only have somewhere around 60credits of my gen eds transfer over, im at a PA state school…the problem is I really have nothing towards a major b/c my credits are scattered through education, biology, and general education courses, some of my ECs consist of attending a student leadership conference in colorado and PA, participating in a student leadership and mentor program, starting a minor business, being a member of a few clubs on campus that belong to the majors i was in, being a member of the schools lion’s club for community service</p>

<p>Ok i see. you’ll probably have a good shot at all the colleges you listed with your gpa, but i dont know if the admissions committee will like that you have already over 100 credits.</p>

<p>they would only let me transfer a max of 60 from what i understand, so i would need to complete 60 within the business field in order to graduate and most colleges use 60 as the standard for the major courses so what i was figuring was that i would just transfer my 60 gen. eds and then the last 60 that i would complete would be in business at the school i would transfer to, so basically i would lose 40 credits of miscellaneous stuff…what do you think the adcoms will think of this?</p>

<p>so is the fact that you could potentially lose credits ultimately desireable for you so that you could work towards a major? putting in an extra year or two to work towards a different degree may not be cost effective</p>


<p>what would you suggest I do if I want a business degree? see 20 of the credits are completely wasted and only education credits, so the other 20 were some prereqs I took for med,PA, or PT school. The problem is I want a business degree…how else could I go about it? I really only have about 60credits toward graduation (which are all the gen ed requirements)</p>

<p>Maybe you could finish out your bio major and go get your MBA? That would probably look better, like you have diverse talents, and give you more opportunities. And you wouldn’t have to worry about taking an extra year and also trying for grad school if that was the route you wanted. Unless you just really want out of your current school…But since you’re so close, I would go for the bio degree and MBA, if at all possible.</p>

<p>but the bio degree is so far away, itd still be 3 more semesters in order to get that degree…which I would not want to do anything with, also, isnt it true that you generally need 5-7yrs work experience to get an MBA…how would I even explain why I need it with a bio degree? and there is nothing in bio I would possibly want to do besides go to PT school…</p>

<p>It’s going to be very difficult to transfer into Maryland’s business program. I go there right now and know lots of very qualified people with excellent SAT’s and GPA’s who have tried to internally transfer into it, and have been rejected. It’s limited enrollment so few people get in and I’m pretty sure that people already at the university get priority. However, they have an excellent economics program that isn’t limited enrollment. I think that you can apply to the business school, and if you don’t get in I’m pretty positive you will still be accepted into the university. Your stats certainly seem good enough.</p>

<p>From Harvard Business School (ranked #1):</p>



<p>From Wharton:</p>



<p>At the Carroll School of Business at BC:</p>



<p>Others say that they like a few years of work experience, but it’s not always the case, if you have a good application and compelling reasons. Worst comes to worse, you could work for a few years at something with your BS in biology and then apply to an MBA program. You don’t have to do something directly related to science either. It’s a liberal arts degree, and that gives you many options. Maybe consider going the BA route if that’s easier with the credits you already have, if your school has it?</p>

<p>Ideas for alternate careers:
[url=<a href=“http://forms.careers.ucr.edu/majors/html/biological.htm]Biological”>http://forms.careers.ucr.edu/majors/html/biological.htm]Biological</a> Sciences<a href=“pay%20particular%20attention%20to%20the%20Education%20and%20Business%20sections”>/url</a>
[url=<a href=“http://www.thelabrat.com/jobs/BiologyMajorAdvice.shtml]Advice”>Advice for the biology major]Advice</a> for the biology major<a href=“look%20under%20Alternate%20Careers”>/url</a>
[url=<a href=“http://www.uncwil.edu/stuaff/career/Majors/bio.htm]University”>http://www.uncwil.edu/stuaff/career/Majors/bio.htm]University</a> of North Carolina Wilmington - The Career Center - Explore and Research Careers<a href=“many%20of%20these%20are%20strictly%20science,%20but%20there%20are%20more%20than%20a%20few%20alternative%20options”>/url</a></p>

<p>I also saw some stuff about joining the Peace Corps, doing technical writing, writing/illustrating for biology magazines, banking, hospital administration (although this would probably require an MBA), etc.</p>

<p>Don’t limit yourself by thinking that you can only do strict scientific things with your degree. There’s lots out there, you just have to be creative.</p>

<p>thanks for the information…I only have pre-reqs completed towards any health profession grad school, my other option instead of transfering is to get a business degree from my PA state school while also having all my pre-reqs for health profession school (pt, pa, etc). My school does not have an accredited business program so do you think it would be best to stay at my school or try to transfer to a business program that is better? my options are either to stay at my school and get a non accredited business degree and then probably go to grad school for health profession (not sure if i really want to do that) or option 2 is to transfer and get a business degree at a better school, waht do you think is best?</p>