What are my chances of admittance?

I’m hoping someone can tell me what my chances are of getting into Virginia Tech. I’m a white male from Illinois, I got a 1200 on my SAT (580 Math, 620 Reading/Writing). My GPA is a 3.64 with a mix of Honors and AP classes. I’m going for Civil Engineering but the only option on the application was General Engineering. I know my math score is pretty low for an engineering student but Virginia Tech has been on my mind for a long time and I just want to know if I’ll be admitted. Thanks.

Congrats on your senior year! I bet you’ve worked hard for your good grades and now you deserve to look forward to graduating and starting college. Unfortunately there is really no way you can be “chanced” for admittance, as there are so many thousands of applicants each year, and the college is looking to round out a class with kids of many different attributes.

Try starting here:


You can search by general college, and even by specific major, at Virginia Tech. Very detailed information is presented but you must take it for what it’s worth. The 25th percentile means that a full 25% of the students accepted into any particular major had scores below that number. What we don’t know is what it was about them that stood out and made up for the lower end of grades. Only the admissions office knows that. It could have been their short answer essays, it could have been a particular extracurricular.

Good luck!