What are my chances of getting into engineering?

<p>Okay I'm a white male, and a junior. I have a 3.76 GPA.
On my first SAT I got a 1200.
640 Math
560 Critical Reading
570 Writing
8 on essay
AP- Junior year- AP English 11, AP US Histroy
Senior Year- AP Bio, AP Stats, AP Pyschology.
EC- 4 year letterman in tennis. Captain of tennis team. Key club, club earth, young republican club.</p>

<p>bring up your sats and take the highest math/physics classes senior year.. why ap stat instead of ap calc?</p>

<p>as far as chances go, 50% +-50%? IMO there are too many things (like the math/science classes you've taken and their grades) that are unknown to make any accurate prediction</p>

<p>Probably gotta bring up the SATs. Is that GPA weighted? If so then you've gotta bring that up some too.</p>

<p>IDK, would calc be better to take?
Freshman year- bio A
Sophomore year- chem A
Junior year- Physics A
Freshman year- geom A
Sophomore year- AlgII/Trig A
Junior year- Pre calc- B</p>

<p>Definitely be better to take AP Calc, if you do well on the AP, you will place out of the intro calc courses. It's been a couple years since I looked, but I'm not sure that credit is even given for AP Statistics (it was relatively new on the AP listing or something) - someone will correct me on that, I'm sure. In any case, you'll get better mileage out of AP Calculus for engineering.</p>

<p>Budey, There are two non-waiver able things you need to get accepted into the college of engineering as a freshman. They are 1) at least a 600 in the math SAT (you got it) and 2) physics in high school. A VT admissions director told me this last year, so I would e-mail them to confirm that this is the case. It also shows that you are serious about attending the school (demonstrates interest) when you ask admissions questions. Definitely take the calculus as a senior. That could be s how stopper all by itself, the thought being why would someone going into engineering not take it as a senior in high school if it is offered?. Good luck!</p>

<p>You are right, Ronbo, physics is a MUST in high school to be admitted to engineering at VT. We attended open house at VT a few months ago, and this was repeated over and over again. Calc is recommended (if offered) but not mandatory like the physics is.</p>