What are my chances of getting admitted to Texas A&M?

<p>I am probably in the top 35% of my class, however I probably moved down in my class rank because I did fairly well my junior year.</p>

<p>I am Eagle Scout with around 600 hours (probably more) of community service.</p>

<p>My SAT is 1090, which in their median range.</p>

<p>I worked about 20 hours per week for a year (March 07-March 08.)</p>

<p>I took two AP courses my junior year.</p>

<p>I am actively involved in the computer science club and have completed in UIL.</p>

<p>My course work this coming year is very rigorous (2 APs and rest is honors)</p>

<p>I have some good letters of recommendations, including one from a TAMU alumni (He was my chemistry teacher.)</p>

<p>I have written some awesome essays, that will be subjected to an essay editing service to further amaze the admission counselors.</p>

<p>I heard from a friend that there is a question, on the application that you can check/express that your interested in the Corps of Cadets. However you don't not have to commit. If this exists, will it help me become admitted if I check this?</p>

<p>The two most important things that TAMU will use for their admission are:
-Class Rank

<p>Now because neither of those 2 stats on your profile are outstanding the chances for acceptance seem slim. If you can moderately improve both to around a 1250 SAT and Top 22-25 % class rank I think your chances would improve substantially. If you can get your SAT in the 1300+ range you have a moderate shot with your top 30-35% class rank
What will help you TREMENDOUSLY is the fact that you are an Eagle Scout with many community service hours. The good news in this is the fact that many students that have borderline stats like yourself are missing the distinguishing factor to "push" them over. Considering that A&M is known for its Core and Military ties the fact the you are and Eagle Scout will prove very helpful as mentioned. I would say that your "amazing essays" will be of less significance than you might think at A&M compared to schools like UT or small liberal arts colleges,nevertheless, excellent essays never hurt. Work on your class rank, work on your SAT's and I think you stand a fine shot at acceptance.</p>

<p>If you did well Jr. year, why did you move down in class rank? I agree your chances are slim, but the Eagle scout might help you, maybe even Blinn Team. You probably won't hear until after the new year, though. And yes, Corp. will help you, but you shouldn't say you are going to do it if you know you are not. You are an Eagle Scout after all and this doesn't sound morally straight, honest, etc. all the stuff you should know about as an ES!</p>

<p>Have to agree about expessing interest in the Corps when you have none. Doesn't sound like something an Eagle Scout would do.</p>

<p>You might consider attending AggieEagle weekend: Aggie</a> Eagle Program: Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets </p>

<p>It's a lot of fun and will introduce you to the Corps along with other Eagle Scouts. However, you would need to get your SAT up to be accepted to attend the AggieEagle weekend. That would imply to me that expressing an interest in the Corps will not help you with admissions unless you can get your SAT score up some. Here are the requirements to attend AggieEagles:</p>

<p>Seniors must meet any one of the four criteria below:</p>

<p>Be in the Top 10% of their class, or
Be considered an 'Academic Admit'
-- Top ¼ of class and either a minimum 1300 SAT (at least 600 on both critical reading and math components) or 30 ACT (minimum 27 in ACT English and ACT Math) or
Be in the top ¼ of their class and have either a minimum 1050 SAT score (combination of math/critical reading sections only) or 23 ACT score, or
Be in the top ½ of their class and have either a minimum 1150 SAT score (combination of math/critical reading sections only) or 25 ACT score</p>

<p>bandnerd, he probably meant down in the sense of a lower number which would mean he is actually ranked higher-- a lower number than 35% like 30% or so</p>

<p>Unfourtunately with a school that is applied to as thoroughly as TAMU, your class rank may kill you.</p>


<p>You do seem to have some great extra currics. My advice, have a knock out essay and get invovled with TAMU programs. I have a friend who got a good deal on scholarships because he always went to TAMU Math Competitions.</p>

<p>You're not down for the count, just do real well this year.</p>

<p>I talked to my counselor today and I am actually in the high 20's of my class now. </p>

<p>To all that think I would lie to get into TAMU: I would not do that, I have just heard of some student exploit the admission process like that.</p>

<p>I am aiming to get around a 1300 on my next SAT.</p>

<p>If I do achieve my SAT goal and stay in the 20's, hopefully move into the top 25%, what do you think my chances are then?</p>

<p>ur guranteed if u have 1300 and Top Quarter</p>

<p>I missed top 10% by 1 person, had 1220 SAT, and got waitlisted/Blinn Team</p>

<p>I think the above is bull.</p>

<p>I was top 15% Got a 1200 SAT And was accepted.</p>



<p>I got into the College of Science, and Aced all my sciences in High School.</p>

<p>Business schools and Engineering is more difficult.</p>

<p>(I got into the business school aswell)</p>

I think the above is bull.</p>

<p>I was top 15% Got a 1200 SAT And was accepted.</p>



<p>I got into the College of Science, and Aced all my sciences in High School.</p>

<p>Business schools and Engineering is more difficult.</p>

<p>(I got into the business school aswell)


<p>Wait, you got into the business school?</p>

<p>Business was my 1st major, forgot what my second one was.</p>

<p>Anyways, ya i was ****ED about not getting in. Blinn team FTL</p>

<p>Taking 10 hours at blinn and 3 at A&M fall semester</p>

<p>Business admin if it means anything.</p>

<p>Did you take many AP classes? I took a full curriculum of AP.</p>

<p>TAMU is really big on leadership roles if you are not in the top 10%. I know a lot of kids with better than average stats, but by no means close to the academic admit levels that get in based upon leadership roles in band, debate, church, etc. How long ago did you get your ES? If you got it 3 or 4 years ago and have not shown an increasing involvement in an EC, you should start now! I would think the ES is good enough to get you in, unless you got it awhile ago and haven't done anything since. I know many kids who got it in 8th grade and then quit doing anything! Good luck!</p>

<p>i had a 1260 and top 30% with eagle scout. blinn team</p>

<p>I'll be attending Aggie Eagle Program. </p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>

<p>I am a jr. and am currently taking 2AP classes and the rest Pre-AP. My freshman and sophomore year both consisted of all pre-ap classes too. I am currently in the top 13% and got back a practice SAT with a 1140. I expect that to go up to at least 1200 on the SAT. What do you guys think my chances at A&M are right now? Any improvements for senior year?</p>

<p>raise your SAT or take the ACT. </p>

<p>beef up your demonstrated interest.</p>

<p>I have a 1480 verbal + math, and a 34.
But I’m (probably) BOTTOM quarter of my class.
3.1 GPA or so.</p>


<p>wow! 3.1 is bottom quarter? that’s rough.</p>

<p>Cooples, I think you have a good chance if you can get that SAT up some. Top 13% is nothing to sneeze at.</p>

<p>zacwsx, unless things have changed, a 1300 or above on CR + Math earns you automatic admission to A&M as an “Academic Admit”. Look that term up on their website, and see if that’s still the case.</p>