What are my chances of getting into a UC?

Hey everyone! I just finished applying to the UC’s.
UC Santa Barbara
UC Riverside
UC Irvine
UC Davis
I have a GPA of a 2.98 almost a 3.0. I am a community college transfer student. My major is English. I am graduating with my Associate of Arts Degree (AA-T Degree) In all of my major courses, I have all A’s and B’s. I did a lot of community service and did a lot of extracurricular activities. My personal insight questions I am pretty confident about. I do have two W’s but I explained why on the additional comments. What would be my chances of getting accepted? My first choice is UC Santa Barbara but I was not sure of how competitive it was.

I am also soooooo nervous :frowning:


Your best shot is UCR but, unless you TAGed, i think that’s a stretch. Hopefully you applied to your local and/or a non-impacted CSU so you have options.
good luck

I agree with @NCalRent: Below a 3.0 Transfer GPA will be a tough admit for all the UC’s other than UCR. Below is a link that shows the Transfer GPA admit range by campus and major.

For UCSB, the admit range of English majors was a 3.22-3.75 (2017 data only).

For UCR, the admit range for English majors was 2.91-3.50 so you are close to the 25th percentile.


Best of luck.

Hey Everyone I was able to get accepted into UC Riverside, UC Irvine, UC Davis, and wait listed for UCSB. But thank you so much.

Congrats @smiley123x Lots of choices and all great schools! Good luck with your decision making

Congratulations and best of luck with your decision.

Congrats and good luck!