What are my chances of getting into ODU or VCU?

My GPA has literally been at a 2.96 my whole high school career. I’m trying to get to at least a 3.0 by the end senior year so I can graduate with honors. I don’t even wanna go to a fancy-shmancy school, just a simple school that’s literally 15 minutes away or a 2 hour drive.
I took 2 APs this year and I’m taking 3 next year. (My school is kinda poor, they don’t offer much)

I haven’t did any retakes yet :/.
SAT-1180 (trying to raise it to at least a 1300 by September/Octoberish.
Reading- 640
Math- 540
Essay- 6/4/5

ACT- 25 (I just want a 27)
English- 25
Science- 23

Also, anybody know any good books to boost math scores?