What are my chances of getting into Pomona?

What are my chances of getting in? How is their film program?

I’m a high school soph.
I scored a 1910 on my PSAT, without studying or any previous prep. The year before, I got a 1700. Is it safe to estimate I will get roughly a 2100 next year, as I learn more and am at the level for which the SAT is made?
My GPA is 3.8 unweighted, 4.45 weighted.
I am female, white and from a middle class family.
I will be majoring in film and cinematic studies, with a minor in psychology.
I am in all advanced classes: Hon. Pre Cal, Hon Spanish 5, Hon English, Comparative Religions, AP NSL, Hon Chem, and Hon Introduction to Technology.
I have around 300 SSL Hours
I have a strong portfolio for which I have worked on with a professor at Ringling’s School of Art and Design (Sarasota, FL)
I have legacy at the University of Penn.
I have been a part of the Lazarus Leadership Fellows program, for which I was selected among many other applicants to work on a program that solves an issue in my community - I created an art program for youths that I still run.
I am a member of the Spanish Honors Society’s tutoring committee.
Some of my art pieces have been displaced in exhibits and art shows.
I am a prominent member of 2 school led clubs.
Those are the main prominent points of my resume.
I also want to partake in an international habitat for humanity type of organization, however, one in which I help ecosystems and such.
I have received a job offer for an architecture internship for the summer for which I will most likely do unless complications arise.

Pomona doesn’t have a film major. http://www.pomona.edu/academics/majors-and-minors/
Have you taken a practice ACT test? You may find that you do better on the ACT. But I think you need to reconsider why you are interested in Pomona.

If you’re still a sophomore, I wouldn’t start to worry about college apps yet. For now, just focus on doing well in your classes and finding the extracurriculars you most love to do, things that you are actually passionate about rather than things you think might make your resume look good. I would recommend you not even start thinking about college applications until the middle of your junior year at least. It looks like you’re off to a great start, just keep doing well and focus on high school for now. Also, even if you were a senior and had all your stats, we’d have no way of telling if you would get in. That’s just the nature of highly selective college admissions.

Also, as Corinthian mentioned, Pomona has no film program, just a media studies major–it’s more liberal arts-based than a film production program, which is what I assume you’re asking about. http://mediastudies.pomona.edu/

Best of luck though. :slight_smile: