What are my chances?

<p>OK, I am posting for a friend.
Stats: - class rank #17 of 587
- UW GPA 94/100
- SAT M:660 CR:600 W:580 (re-taking and hoping to improve in all)
- Strong EC's
NY Resident</p>

-U. Michigan Ann Arbor
-Virginia Tech.
-SUNY Binghamton
Any other Suggestions of good engineering schools?

<p>anyone have any advice?</p>

<p>U. Michigan Ann Arbor-Reach</p>


<p>UMich is a reach until he improves his test scores, and even then it's kinda reach cause he's out of state. Same with VA Tech. Those scores are really weighing him down, the rest is fine as long as he has good ECs.</p>

<p>94% avg is amazing
rank is high, i think he/she is set :)</p>

<p>What do you think he should get his scores up to?</p>

<p>He should get his scores up as much as he possibly can. With the current scores, I would say he gets into Binghamton but not the others.</p>

<p>If he gets his M + CR to at least 1400, I would say he'd be competitive.</p>

<p>what about for RIT?</p>


<p>Bummmmmpppp.....please i am in need of advice</p>



<p>This board overestimates the scores one needs, provided the rest of the app is good. That said, I don't know much about any of those schools.</p>

<p>Pretty decent chance at tech, good chance at SUNY-B, UMich is a reach.</p>

<p>Also, the title says "What are MY chances" and then inside your first post you say it's for a friend. I've noticed ALOT lately on this site that people are asking "for their friends." In my opinion, half of them are lying. Are people really that scared to "publicly" say what their stats are?? It's not like you're going to ever see someone on this site. Jeez...</p>

<p>By Duce do you mean Mussolini? </p>

<p>Fascism is wrong...</p>

<p>NO i dont mean Fascism...it is a character from the movie "The Boondock Saints"...Also, this is for my friend. I have another thread going for myself if you want to check it out.</p>

<p>KingJames, you posted on the thread that was mine...it was the UNC Chapel Hill one.</p>

<p>anybody have advice?</p>