What are my chances?

<p>I am out of state (NJ), white, and male</p>

<p>3.0 GPA UW
3.4 GPA Weighted
2 AP classes and 8 honors so far, a pretty competitive schedule</p>

<p>1890 SAT (570 CR, 690 M, 630 W)</p>

<p>President of two clubs and VP of another. Also manager of a sport with 3 varsity letters</p>

<p>I would like to major in business (marketing)</p>

<p>Thank you in advance! </p>

<p>UW-Madison looks at unweighted academic GPA and yours is lower than the typical applicant, while your SAT is in range. This could mean that you are smart but not a hard worker, or it could mean that your school has grade deflation. Perhaps you have an explanation for some extenuating circumstances about your GPA that you could write about in your application. What is your class rank?</p>

<p><a href=“https://www.admissions.wisc.edu/freshman/requirements.php”>https://www.admissions.wisc.edu/freshman/requirements.php&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>Applicants are expected to achieve a high level of performance in the course work they pursue and an increasingly strong academic record. We do ask for your GPA and class rank. We also realize that many schools consider GPA on different scales and some do not report GPA or class rank at all. We consider both GPA and rank in the context of your school. We typically see unweighted, academic GPAs between a 3.5 and a 3.9, and a class rank in the 85–96 percentile.</p>


<p>Either the ACT Plus Writing or the SAT is required. We consider the highest composite score obtained in a single test administration as your “official” score, although we will look at all scores reported in an effort to get a true sense of your achievement. Admitted students will typically score between 27–30 on the ACT Plus Writing and 1810–2000 on the SAT, though again, there is no minimum required score.</p>

<p>@madison85 My school does not rank</p>

<p>Below average gpa with average SAT. Your intended major doesn’t matter- students get admitted to the university as a whole.</p>

<p>It may be in your favor that your school does not rank.</p>