what are my chances??

I have GED instead of HIGH SCHOOL DEPLOMA. I am 24 now

HI i have sat 1720 reading 460 math 660 wrinting 600
and probably ill get 1800 + in january test

I dont have any academical extra curriculums

However, I had about 7 to 9 full time jobs since I was 17
and also i was financially and physically independent since after i ran out from the house

I know I am probably inferior in academic wise to any other student, but what are my chances to purdue???

What major are you applying for?

Don’t feel inferior to any other student! There are so many more students applying to colleges with poorer stats. If you hang out on CC for too long, it begins to feel like anything less that a 2400 on the SAT and a 4.0 GPA is worthless (which is ridiculous). You’re actually in the middle 50% range for Purdue’s freshman class this year (1630-1940). You clearly have special circumstances so you’re not the typical student, but that doesn’t mean Purdue doesn’t want you. Go ahead and apply, see what happens! If you’re declined admission, try a community college (Ivy Tech is not far away from Purdue) for a semester or two so that you have a GPA and a good track record to show Purdue, and try transferring. Good luck!

im applying for computer science or computer engineering

Those are more selective degrees at Purdue, but you may still have a chance, especially since you have a fairly good math score on the SAT. I would suggest applying, and if you are declined admission, try starting at a community college to get the general education credits out of the way. Then you could try transferring.

thank u runner019 u were very helpful