What are my chances?

Please chance me and let me know your stats and if you were accepted!

White female
GPA 3.557 (from end of junior year)
ACT 24–>27 (taking 3rd time Oct.24)
4 Honors classes and 1 AP
4 year Varsity soccer (Captain)
Club Soccer Captain
Yearbook club for 2 years
Worked a job throughout HS
Volunteer at food bank, children’s hospital, others

Applying before Nov. 2 and writing a bomb essay about how badly i want to go there.

Wanting to attend UW does not mean you should get in- ALL applicants can write the same essay. Your stats are middling. Go ahead and apply but have other options as well.

Your essay should not be about “how bad you want to go there” - that’s not the essay prompt. You should strive for something more original and ask your English teacher to proofread it with you.

This is a respectable profile, and madison is a reasonable reach school. Have backups. Any school would be fortunate to have you and you’ll find the prefect fit.

Perfect that is…

You do have a chance of getting in but I just want to give you warning. I had a slightly higher GPA and a slightly higher score on my ACT and I got waitlisted. I did end up getting in but I didn’t hear back about my decision until June. Write a really good essay and have good references and you should be in good shape.

Notice post #5 stated “waitlisted”. This is different than being postponed. Postponed means you find out the decision by March (?); this poster was postponed then waitlisted I assume.

It’s possible to not hear back until June? That seems crazy! I thought all decisions were made by May 1st?

That’s typical for any school when one is not accepted but waitlisted. Everyone gives colleges their decision by May 1st then schools figure out if they have room for anyone on their waitlist. When a student takes a place they then open up a spot at their other school which can be filled. So the process can extend into the summer.