
<p>I've got an odd situation academically, so I was wondering what you all thought of my chances.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.3
I know it's low, but this is why my situation is odd. Up until 10th grade, I didn't care about school or grades. Then I had an epiphany, and worked very hard up until the present. So here's what the grade trend looks like:
9th grade: 2.9
10th grade: 3.0
11th grade: 3.9
12th grade (currently): 4.0</p>

<li>Top 30% </li>
<li>ACT: 26</li>
<li>SAT: 1750</li>
<li>A few advanced classes</li>
<li>3 recommendation letters, good essays/personal statements</li>
<li>Completed an internship with the Smithsonian over the summer</li>
<li>Musically active</li>
<li>President of a few clubs (political) and a member of several others</li>
<li>Worked/volunteered for political campaigns</li>

<p>I provided a hefty amount of info, hopefully that helps some of you knowledgeable people gauge the likelihood of my admission. Thanks!</p>

<p>i would be very surprised if you were immediately admitted, and a little surprised if you were outright denied. ACT, SAT, and GPA are all pretty low for WI, well into the lower 25%. I'd guess postponement-->possible waitlist. UW is very numbers-driven, so keep that in mind. I would also advise you to re-take the SAT/ACT in case you are deferred. Good luck!</p>

<p>maybe you should write an essay or attach some additional info about your "epithany". It'll probably help you look better to admissions, since gpa is pretty important.</p>

<p>I would say denied. You have an obvious increase in grades but it's your ACT and SAT that are low.</p>

<p>I dunno if you've sent stuff or not but if you haven't... I would guess you should send only one of your bad standardized scores. Again, no expert but you don't want to emphasize the fact that you do bad on tests by sending 2 bad scores instead of one.</p>

<p>de la v, continue your effort and you will do well in college! </p>

<p>Your chance to get into UW this year is slim if you are IS. OOS/legacy status helps somewhat but you will also need to have some diversity or URM factor to land a thick envelope. Don't give up. If things don't go your way this year, do well in your freshman year somewhere else and then transfer to UW. Best of luck!</p>

<p>...according to the admissions director, it is actually harder to gain OOS admission (I get you're assuming they want diversity, but they want in-state privileges first).</p>

<p>LOL. Statistically (and politically), the admission director was correct. 2007 OOS admit rate was 56.8% and WI admit rate was 59.7%. OOS admit rate < WI admit rate for a number of years now. But, as I recalled from a slide/report that I saw a year or two ago, the OOS was most competitive in the top 2-3 feeder states but relatively "easier" elsewhere. My hope is OP may be coming from states like Hawaii and New Mexico. </p>

they want diversity, but they want in-state privileges first


They want OOS and intl students for the extra revenue (to help offset IS tuition) and diversity.</p>

<p>Ahh I hate going to my school...I have a 3.45 GPA and Im in the top 30%..and he has a 3.3 and is in the top 30%. I had a 27 on my ACT and got maybe he also has a chance of getting postponed. But I did have some other cicumstances that helped me out. so I dont know...Best of luck though</p>

<p>"hey want OOS and intl students for the extra revenue (to help offset IS tuition) and diversity."</p>

<p>This is definitely true, but they also have a required state quota that they must fill.</p>

<p>The average quality of OOS applicants may be slightly lower. Certainly the average GPA of accepted OOS kids is lower than instate. The part line is that some OOS high schools sending kids to UW are more competitve than many instate schools. I'd say on average it is slightly easier to get in from OOS unless you are from Chicagoland or MInn.</p>

<p>I know this excuse is tossed around quite a bit, but I really am a poor test taker. If you want an example, read further:</p>

<p>The first time I took the ACT, I was completely stressed out. I ended up with a 21.
The second time, I felt alright, but still was not clearheaded. I got a 26... up 5 points! I'd love to take it again just to see how high I can reach.</p>

<p>I also have a rather strong case of ADD. I think my issue is the speed at which I think. I knew most of the material on the ACT/SAT, but the timing killed me each time.</p>

<p>None of these excuses are valid, and I understand that. But I know in my mind that I AM a smart person. And above everything else, I am extremely motivated. I am more determined than some of the 4.0-GPA, 33-ACT students that will attend UW-Madison in the upcoming school year. But it's hard to articulate that to an admissions counselor who has heard it all.</p>

<p>In my essay I did mention the "epiphany" I had, so hopefully they'll be empathetic or at least understanding of my low GPA.</p>

<p>My HS counselor loves to motivate me with the story of one of her students gaining admission with a 23 ACT. Hopefully they'll take a chance on me and my unimpressive digits.</p>

<p>Thank you everyone for your thoughts.</p>

<p>well good luck, i hope your decision is favorable!</p>

<p>OP, your std test scores "appear" in line with your overall GPA, so it could be tough to make the case that you are a poor test taker. Frankly, you ought to take the fighter attitude. Don't focus on why you didn't do well or things didn't go your way. Just acknowledge the fact, prove your determination with efforts and results and let nature takes its course. This goes to college admission as well as life in general. </p>

<p>What's your alternative(s) if you don't attend UW next Fall?</p>

<p>You also have to remember there are so many other students that also deserve a chance for a UW-Madison education, there will be many disappointed students who can handle the work at UW-Madison who will have to go elsewhere. Have good alternatives.</p>

<p>Are my "on-the-line" stats the reason why I have waited for a decision longer than many others? (My application was complete on October 31st.)</p>

<p>Also, will the online status inform me if I have been postponed/denied, or will it only indicate a decision if it is "Congratulations..." ?</p>

Are my "on-the-line" stats the reason why I have waited for a decision longer than many others?


The short answer is no. </p>

My application was complete on October 31st.


If all your application materials were indeed received and completed on 10/31, you should have heard something by now. It's time to give adcom a call this week. See Undergraduate</a> Admissions at UW-Madison: Application processing time line update</p>

<p>that's around the same time my application was completed, and i still haven't heard back either..</p>