
<p>3.6 UW, school doesn't weigh GPA
29 ACT
22% class rank (worried about this one :/ )
great letters of rec, statements, and TONS of volunteering</p>

<p>where do i stand? i've seen kids with much lower stats being accepted and kids with much higher stats being postponed <em>sigh</em> :/ so i don't know what to think...should i expect to be postponed?</p>

<p>UW wants to see a tough curriculum with lots of honors and AP classes; do you measure up?</p>

<p>I’d like to know, too. My stats are almost exactly similar.</p>

<p>These days seems like 50-50 at best.</p>

<p>I have all honors and ap classes…i only took 1 ap last year but have 3 ap’s this year along with spanish 5.
barrons, are you expecting that i’ll be postponed?</p>

<p>honestly i have no idea whats goin on in that admissions office, youre stats seem like you should definitely get in but there are alot of people that are better getting postponed and alot of people worse getting accepted, just like you said…
you definitely have a veryyy good chance, just depends on what the counselor is thinkin that day i guess
my stats are about the same and i applied in early october and am still waiting to know too…</p>

<p>A problem exists with too many good students applying- they can’t take everyone who could do well at UW. Difficult decisions being made by admissions.</p>

<p>My SOAR status never changed from “Questions about…” but as of this morning I’m postponed.
extremely disappointed…but i’m going to work as hard as i can to maximize my chances of being admitted. i want this more than anything.</p>