What are my chances?

<p>I need advice on anythign I can do to get into Brown. It’s been my dream school for a while, and when i took classes over the summer at it, I fell in love with everything about it
Here are my stats (Im a senior now):
GPA: 3.3 (UW)
Class isnt ranked (I go to an exam school and they think its wrong to rank us)
SAT: CR: 660 M: 800 W: 700
SAT II: Taking physics and math II in december Math I: 770
ACT: 31 composite (30 combined essay and reading)</p>

Summer at brown 2008 7 weeks 2 credit courses (got a B in economics and a Pass in English) Will this help my chances?
Robotics Team freshman and senior year
School Senator for all 4 years of high school
Tutored mentally and physically handicapped kids at a community house freshman- junior year
Helped at an elementary school afterschool program for all 4 years of HS
Business internship since freshman year
Lead youth religious group at my hindu temple
Math team junior and senior year
Biology Journal publishing senior year</p>

<p>My classes this year are:
AP Environmental Science
US Governement/Economics
AP Statistics
PHysical Edu.
Math Team
AP Literature
AP Calculus BC</p>

<p>In total, I’ve taken 3 honors courses (Physics, Geometry and English) and these 4 AP course listed above.
I know my GPA is a bit low, but what can I do now? Certain grades were clearly not my fault. For example:
Trig term1 and 2 I got a 80 and a 70, but the next year my grades for precalc were 92 and 95 and my grade in Calc was 101 (but I can only get 100 since GPA is unweighted)
I got a 3.5 and a 3.6 my junior year, but messed up my sophomore year with a 3.2 average. That brought my grade down.</p>

<p>Any advice on how to increase my chances as well as what my chances are is appreciated. Thanks so much for your help.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;