What are my chances?

<p>What are my chances of getting into Northwestern?</p>

<p>My SATs are:
800 Math
750 Reading
730 Writing</p>

<p>SAT IIs are:
770 Biology M
710 Math 2</p>

<p>GPA is 4.35 weighted and 3.97 unweighted</p>

<p>I am 4 Year Varsity baseball, editor in chief of yearbook, and volunteer at a hospital once a week.</p>

<p>My intended major is neuroscience. What do you think?</p>

<p>I see from your other posts that you have some really fine schools on your list.
You are clearly a strong candidate at all of them, assuming that you have been taking a rigorous curriculum at your school (you don’t refer to courses, especially APs, or AP test scores).
THe toughest school on your list is clearly Yale, and you have the same shot as any other non-URM candidate with strong numbers and good ECs - probably 20-25%.
Of the others, the question is whether you have a first choice. For me, it would be NU hands down (but if you are more of the Brown or Duke type, they would be great choices too; this is very subjective). Some of the other schools are great too, like WashU. Not a bad one in the bunch.
So what you need to avoid - at least on RD apps - is leaving a school’s AdCom feeling like their school made your “list,” but you’re not really passionate about it. The best way to give the opposite signal and stand out is, of course, to apply ED. If Yale’s your top choice, then you can apply EA and take your chances RD on the other schools if you don’t get in. If you want to use the strategic advantage that ED gives to someone with your qualifications, then consider going ED somewhere else (like NU, Brown or Duke).
You’ll be a very attractive candidate wherever you apply.
Good luck.</p>

<p>They’re decent I’d say a little above average maybe. Nothing really stands out too much though. Totally agree with the above. Don’t think you can just show up and get in those places-- its harder than that when you’re competing with people just as good as you.</p>