What are my chances?

<p>Hey, I'm a rising senior and I'm applying early decision for Virginia Tech.
GPA: 3.65 W
1600 SAT: 1300
2400 SAT: 1900
APs: Calculus AB, Statistics, Computer Science, Government, Physics, and Lang
EC: Robotics Club, FBLA, BHS, NHS, Freshman Football, SYA Basketball, and Police Explorers.
Please lemme know what my chances are and what I need to improve on. Thanks.</p>

<p>Also, my high school is located in Northern Virginia.</p>

<p>what school in tech are you applying to?</p>

<p>Your best estimate on this, short of asking the admissions rep for your HS, will be to look at Naviance (Family Connection). It will tell you what stats (GPA/SAT) that students from your high school that applied to VT have had. You will see who was accepted, waitlisted, and denied. Unlike other schools where numbers are only part of the picture, and Naviance can only give you a guideline, VT is a numbers based admissions process, so it should give you a fairly accurate idea. Keep in mind that the GPA for last year was closer to a 3.85. This certainly includes all areas, however in general NoVa students have needed higher GPAs for consideration. This is where Naviance will help you.</p>

<p>I’m going to take a guess based on your APs & ECs, that you are applying to the e-school. We were told very clearly that the cut off for consideration (not acceptance, but consideration) was a minimum of 600 in both CR & M. Obviously the higher you are the more competitive you will be. If you don’t meet that you may be offered acceptance to General Studies and apply to transfer after your first year.</p>

<p>I want to apply for the engineering school but I don’t think I’ll get in that way so I’m going to apply as undecided at first and switch to engineering after.</p>

<p>Your weighted for the amount of AP’s seems a little low. Even on a scale of 4.5, that means you are pulling all B’s. If it is a 5.0 scale, than it is all Cs. What is your class rank…top 10% will help, top 50% will hurt. The reason why the rank matters is that also illustrates the grading difficulty of the school itself. Some schools give out A’s like candy on Halloween, some schools give them out very sparingly and to a select few. Thus, if a 3.65 wgpa is the top 10-15% you are good. This would also explain why you have a high SAT (1300) compared to the lower gpa. If you are in the top 50% then it will hurt, because admissions will see that you have the brains, but are not applying yourself academically. This is a WARNING SIGN to them, because college is much harder. Most colleges, if they had to choose would take the high gpa, and low SAT over the opposite because they can rationalize that the applicant has test anxiety regarding the SAT, but overall they are a strong academic student.</p>

<p>Your SAT is strong enough for admittance, but I doubt it is high enough for a direct admittance into engineering.</p>

<p>The average GPA was 4.00, and the average SAT was 2000+ for last years admission class.</p>

<p>And your EC’s won’t get you into VT. You basically to surpass the cutoff mark for GPA and SAT and you’re in.</p>

<p>Onhcetum, where are you getting that info?
Cause on the CB website it says the median SAT range was between and 1650 - 1940</p>

<p>Plus, the OP is an instate student which gives him a significant boost in admissions! Vtech accepts almost 70% of its applicants. I’d say, you’re a direct match for this school and your in state status almost makes it a safety! Yeah, your GPA is a little low but this is your state flagship. I think you’re fine.</p>

<p>Frum the VT Admissions site, What We Look For: Freshman, Fall 2010 Offers at a Glance.</p>

<p>[What</a> We Look For: Freshmen | Undergraduate Admissions | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.admiss.vt.edu/apply/freshman/what_do_we_look_for.php]What”>http://www.admiss.vt.edu/apply/freshman/what_do_we_look_for.php)</p>

<p>This is more than likely the information Onhcetun was quoting. The GPA here btw is a 3.96, however the mid 50% range is 3.71 - 4.17. Some above, some below.
The number I quoted, 3.85, was from the most current Common Data Set. </p>

<p>I return to my original advise, talk to your GC, refer Naviance, and see what stats have been needed from YOUR school. Then work hard to keep your GPA high, and retest for a possible bump in SAT score.</p>

<p>His w gpa is low. His SAT is strong enough.</p>

<p>For the past 3 yrs almost every reknown state U has had banner yrs with the amount of applicants. Tech had @30K applicants this yr for 4K spots. I believe their acceptance rate is 35%, making them a selective university. I suspect due to the poor stock market performance and the economy, they will break last yrs numbers. That means, a kid who wanted to go private, but the folks can’t afford it, will now push Tech up on their list and apply, when earlier yrs they would have said I want to go private or OOS. Additionally being IS is not always a good thing, just because 70% come from IS, does not mean it is easier. From a statistical point, it could be harder if 80% of the applicants are IS. Because that means they will take 70% of the 80% or in other words 56%…meanwhile 30% of the 20% will be selected and that = 60% acceptance rate.</p>

<p>Supply and demand. Currently their supply is low and demand is high for Tech. I would never consider Tech a match if I was under the median score for any of the academic aspects.</p>

<p>I would not use CB as a resource because their data can be old and dated. Here is the snapshot from Tech for this yr <a href=“http://www.admiss.vt.edu/forms/snapshot.pdf[/url]”>http://www.admiss.vt.edu/forms/snapshot.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Notice, the number of candidates with 1300 and a gpa between 3.45 and 3.69 283…now if they had a 3.7 or higher it was almost 10 times higher with @2400 students admitted. </p>

<p>I think it is foolish to say this is a safety for Tech. In no way at all would I ever say that. This is a low match if anything, and def a reach for engineering. The only way it becomes a safety is where in No VA he comes from…Potomac HS in Woodbridge is a different scenario then Yorktown in Arlington.</p>

<p>OBTW UVA is the Flagship school of VA. Tech is the one that is loved by their students, but academically UVA is the school.</p>

<p>I believe the acceptance rate has always been and still is around 65 %.
Also, I heard that ED acceptance rate for Tech is lower than RD. Not sure why.</p>

<p>Acceptance rate is no where near 65%…unless Tech is lying about the amount of applications. Our DD’s acceptance letter last yr said they had 31K applicants, for their 4K+ spots. Traditionally colleges will accept more knowing not everyone will matriculate. I believe the Tech level is @10-11K. That makes acceptance at 30-35% rate.</p>

<p>ED is always lower than RD for every college because they don’t want to fill up the school with ED and then have more qualified students that only applied RD. It is easy for them to defer ED candidates to RD.</p>

<p>The freshman 2014 snapshot gives the following information:
Applicants: 20,083
Offers: 13,412
Offers Accepted: 5,378</p>

<p>This would seem to suggest that approximately 66% of applicants were extended offers. Of the applicant pool 26% attend. </p>

<p>I am not disputing the figure BnP was given (31k applicants), always a solid source of information. I’m simply offering figures that VT has published.</p>