What are some of the top nursing programs on the east coast?

<p>We talk about it because diversity matters. Nurses are required to care for people of all ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. The more you work and study closely with people of differing life experiences than what you have experienced yourself, the more comfortable you are going to be when you experience new things in the field. As a new nursing student, but one with a graduate degree in psychology/education, I am grateful that the college I attend now has students from multiple religions, ethnic backgrounds, and socioeconomic levels. This wasn’t my experience in high school or my first college experience(s). To NOT experience diversity in the classroom and campus is a disadvantage…it lets conscious or unconscious stereotypes go unchallenged. In my opinion, it will make the transition into the real world of nursing more difficult.</p>

<p>Upenn had the top nursing program in us I believe</p>

<p>To Mwallenmd (#26): Your remarks on this thread are outstanding! Reading it for the first time in 2013 and am so grateful to have come across it.</p>