What are the best test prep books for these subjects?

<p>I'm preparing to take my SAT Subject Tests* in November.</p>

<p>Here's what I plan to take:</p>

<p>*World History
*Biology E</p>

<p>Does anyone have any good test prep booklet in mind?</p>

<p>You know what sucks. You can't take World History in November. Yea, better change it. Collegeboard is super gay, they only offer it in December and June. I was planning on taking it in October. As for prep books PR or Barrons.</p>



<p>um, maybe you shouldn't use "gay" to describe collegeboard (look at the OP's username)</p>

<p>awkward (10char)</p>


<p>"You know what sucks. You can't take World History in November. Yea, better change it. Collegeboard is super gay, they only offer it in December and June. I was planning on taking it in October. As for prep books PR or Barrons."</p>

<p>Thanks! But how do you know that you can't take World History* in October? The CB site doesn't specify what exams you can or cannot take when the Subject tests are scheduled to be administered</p>

<p>I can't find on the site where College Board specifies exact dates for tests either, just the SAT I. However, I remember seeing College Board state which dates it administers specific SAT II Subject Tests - on the back of the SAT II Subject Test Preparation Booklet (they have this helpful chart).</p>

<p>Yes, I found the link! However, this is the 2005-06 calendar. You can download the SAT II Subject Test Preparation Booklet and view page 80 (last page) - they have administration dates of each SAT II Subject Test. </p>

<p><a href="http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/prof/counselors/tests/sat/2005-06-SAT-subject-tests-preparation-booklet.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.collegeboard.com/prod_downloads/prof/counselors/tests/sat/2005-06-SAT-subject-tests-preparation-booklet.pdf&lt;/a> </p>

<p>Looking at the chart, College Board administered the SAT II World History test on Dec 3, 2005 and Jun 3, 2006.</p>

<p>You should ask your guidance counselor when school starts for a copy of this year 2006-07's version of the CB's SAT II Subject Test Preparation Booklet.</p>

<p>The table for 06-07 is right here. Unfortunatley I found out when I was trying to register and noticed I could find World History.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/sat/calenfees/calensubj.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/sat/calenfees/calensubj.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>