what are the chances of...

<p>with a 3.8 GPA, 5 AP classes and multiple honors courses. 1870 SAT first try (retook in october) 630 and 580 on my 2 highest SAT subject tests and volunteer work with 3-4 different organizations totaling about 150 hours. 3 years of having 4 clubs (only member). What are my chances of getting into:
UC Berkeley
UC San Diego
UC Santa Barbara
UC Davis
UC Irvine
UC Riverside
UC Santa Cruz</p>

<p>and..if i apply and post an intended major, could I change my majors from my intended major after two years? If I could, will it be any harder to get into the new major I chose as opposed to simply going with the intended major? Thanks in advance for everything!</p>

<p>bump (10 chars)</p>

<p>UC Irvine
UC Riverside
UC Santa Cruz</p>

<p>Pretty much in i think, based on what other ppl say. </p>

<p>Raise ur sat score for a good chance at schools like UC berkeley</p>

<p>thanks, much appreciated. i was wondering if anyone knows anything about my question regarding switching majors?</p>


<p>Assuming you are a California resident,
UCB/UCLA: Super Reach
UCSD: Reach
UCI/UCD/UCSB: Slight Reach
UCSC/UCR: Match</p>

<p>what would i have to raise my SAT score to in order to be a match for UCD, and what for UCSD. Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>take the ACT</p>