What are the most popular and/or BEST classes at UWMadison?

<p>So I was trying to construct my schedule for the next four years, and after fitting all of the reqs for my Bio Major/Archaeology Certificate, I had some spots left over so I was wondering what to fill it up with. I would prefer if it were an english class, but I am open to anything.</p>

<p>I was looking for an English class as well and I chose one called Literature and Lives. The professor had very good ratings online and it sounds like an amazing course.</p>

<p>I recommend taking a History/Legal Studies course (cross-listed) with Karl Shoemaker. You’ll learn a lot about a subject that is either very relevant to today’s world (like his class on the Rule of Law) or just interesting (like his knowledge of medieval punishment).</p>

<p>where you can find professor ratings?</p>


<p>“Best” class depends on your interests. Sometimes the more offbeat sounding classes turn out to be the best ones- you get to learn somethings you otherwise wouldn’t have any concept of. Do not limit yourself to courses “everyone” takes. Also- please be flexible in your four year plan. Once you are on campus you will discover a lot- and may even change your major. Have a plan for getting your major and the first two semesters. Be prepared to change things every semester as you evolve.</p>

<p>To wis75.
I understand what you mean. While I did make a 4year plan, I know for a fact that it is going to change. The reason why I made it is just to see how I can/should spread my classes around to fulfill certain requirements for the college of L&S and to fulfill my bio major. I also wanted to see how many open slots I had to take anything I want-which is the purpose of this thread. I want to learn about some of the most bizarre and interesting classes available at Madison. I’d hate it if I limited myself to classes that simply fulfilled my major. I want to take classes, that, well, are completely different from what I am comfortable to.</p>

<p>Personally, I despise english/lit courses. So I wanted to find an english/lit course that would make me feel otherwise.</p>

<p>Consider a fantasy/sci fi course if one is still offered, if you like that genre- I took it P/F for the excuse to do the reading as a junior.</p>