what are the odds ?

<p>that i can get into U of C with a 28 on the ACT?
and a less than great, GPA (4.118), and a less than great rank (62/686)?</p>

<p>Depends on your essays. Fortunately for you, UChicago does a lot less number crunching than peer universities. Show your passion, and that will cancel out your (barely) below-average ACT score. And your GPA is fine.</p>

<p>hmm that's a tough one...don't listen to these ppl about it all being the essay...but it is a big portion so u should do good on that. I have many friends with 29's who didn't make it, but i also have some that did, and with even lower scores that yours. It's not impossible, but your ec's and service hours all count I guess.</p>

<p>62/686 is still within the top 10% of your class...</p>

<p>The numbers on Chicago's class of 2010 are here: <a href="http://collegeadmissions.uchicago.edu/level3.asp?id=377%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://collegeadmissions.uchicago.edu/level3.asp?id=377&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>They will likely have the numbers up for 2011 shortly. </p>

<p>The problem with most admissions statistics is that they show enrolled statistics, not accepted. The accepted statistics are generally higher than the enrolled.</p>

<p>The problem with looking just at numbers, though, is that applications are read and evaluated by human beings - and I sincerely doubt that they are throwing dice to determine your results. The numbers tell you that students with higher statistics tend to be admitted at higher rates. </p>

<p>Your numbers say to me that you certainly could be admitted - you should be capable of doing the work. Your transcript, essays, rec's and so on will be evaluated for how you and the university will suit each other.</p>

<p>In general, you will want to apply to at least a couple of other schools where all of your numbers are in the upper 1/2 or 1/3 of enrolled students - so that your application strategy - taken as a whole - is safe.</p>

<p>If you spend enough time on these forums, you will realize that at tip-top schools (top 25 or so), students with lower SAT scores are often admitted over those with higher SAT scores. The SAT/ACT is only one metric-- an extremely small one, at best-- that goes into determining a "yes" or a "no." Chicago, apparently, does not use the SAT or ACT to determine yes or no, though high test scores and strong applicants are very often correlative.</p>

<p>thank you !!</p>

<p>as far as extracurriculars go, I've done:
Model UN
International Club
Spanish Club - Secretary
Key Club
Teen Citizen Police Academy
National Honors Society - Vice President
CFC Youth - a national youth group in which I'm a leader
and Powderpuff football =] </p>

<p>and as for service hours, over the entire fours years of high school,
the numbers would be pretty high up there, like 450's</p>