<p>What are you turning down to go to Cornell?</p>
<p>why don't u start.....</p>
<p>My son is going to Cornell Engineering-and is turning down Duke, Michigan, Georgia Tech with National merit Scholarship & Penn State Honors with scholarship</p>
<p>I am turning down:</p>
<p>University of Maryland - College Park. I got into its Gemstone program plus merit scholarships to ~4500 a year for the first two years. On top of in-state tuition, UMD would've cost me ~57k over 4 years. It came down to either UMCP or Cornell...</p>
<p>University of Virginia. They didn't offer me any money whatsoever or any invitation to special programs. Goodbye UVA!</p>
<p>College of William and Mary. Same as UVA. Adios W&M!</p>
<p>I mean comon...Cornell invited me into its Presidential Research whatever program (and we get 8000 bucks a year to fund our own RESEARCH!!!!!!)</p>
<p>I'm turning down a full scholarship (w/ a free laptop) to The College of New Jersey...My parents weren't too thrilled with that at first but they understand and support my decision now =D</p>
<p>I'm turning down:</p>
<li>Carnegie Mellon University ($46,358 - $31,910 = $14,448/yr)</li>
<li>Johns Hopkins University ($47,222 - $30,225 = $16,997/yr)</li>
<li>Rutgers University (full ride)</li>
<p>haha swimqueen - yeah my parents are like :O rutgers gogogo free! but they support my decision as well :)</p>
<p>So how close was Cornell's aid package to the others?</p>
<p>Cornell gave me:</p>
<p>$46,066 - $33,342 = $12,724/yr</p>
<p>However, $11k of those $33k are loans. CMU and JHU only had ~$5k worth of loans included their financial aid package.</p>
<p>In the end, I'd say it's still pretty close. Not as close as I want it to be, but its still a good package compared to a lot of my friends'.</p>
<p>UC Berkeley/ USC/ UCLA for Cornell</p>
<p>ucla / santa clara u at 18 K a year / ucsd regents</p>
<p>Middlebury, Carleton and CU-Boulder.</p>
<p>My friend might go to Middlebury (problem is that they didn't give enough aid since she is middle class) (She's going to major in French so Middlebury is the place for her, so I really hope something happens with her appeal!)</p>
<p>It is too obvious that no one will turn down other ivies for Cornell. This shows that Cornell is a safety school for people who are qualified to go to ivies (Although this may not be true)</p>
<p>WOW bseo...I'd bet that there are hundreds of engineers at Cornell right now that turned down many ivies to go to Cornell. I remember reading someone who turned down Harvard to go to Cornell.</p>
<p>Really? I have never heard of anyone who has turned down HYP to go to Cornell :)</p>
<p>i know a person or two who transfered into Cornell from other ivies. There certainly aren't many, but they do exist. </p>
<p>bseo - please dont cause trouble around here. Ok?</p>
<p>hey bseo, if u hadn't realized Cornell's better than HYP for engn, so what figgy said is true...if u fail to see that, u don't deserve admission at a community college, leave alone Cornell or HYP...</p>
<p>I'm not comparing any college based on specific departments. Then let us compare engineering program betwen MIT and Cornell. I am more concerned with job placement/ medical school placement</p>
<p>Princeton is considered very good for engineering.</p>
<p>Anyways, I am going to Cornell because I loved it when I visited there :) And I wish that Cornell does something to improve its underestimated reputation</p>