<p>ap: bio calc psych eng. lit french & Jazz Band</p>
<p>yay...I'm a Senior!!! Just one more year...one more year...</p>
<p>ap: bio calc psych eng. lit french & Jazz Band</p>
<p>yay...I'm a Senior!!! Just one more year...one more year...</p>
<p>Uh, it's not that bad.</p>
<p>I managed swim team, piano, an internship, a club, community service with 4 AP as a sophomore. I slept at 12ish, earlier if I was focused. </p>
<p>As a junior now.. I have more EC's with essentially 7 APs.</p>
<p>I sleep at 12 but I get work done on the weekends.</p>
<p>weight training
ap calc
ap bio
ap us govt & politics
ap english lit
music theory
2nd semester psychology</p>
<p>i guess that makes me a slacker.</p>
<p>(Junior Year)</p>
<p>AS/A-level Economics (the teacher thinks we can handle AS and A-level in one year)
AS Biology
AS Chemistry
AS United States History
Leadership Skills Development and Techniques (it's the class we made up for Math Club, but we got a cheap name)
AS Spanish Language <-- easy "A".
AS Maths and Probability and Statistics (Maths; easy. Prob & Stats;...scared.)
AS English Language <-- I detest English.</p>
<p>AP English Language
AP Human Geography
Honors U.S. History
AP Statistics
AP Calculus AB (there's no BC)
Honors Chemistry
Honors Anatomy</p>
<p>Would this be a good senior schedule?
IB English
IB Physics
IB French
IB Theory of Knowledge
IB History of the Americas
IB Math Studies
AP Statistics
oh and of course, phys. ed as graduation requirement.</p>
<p>oh and I plan on maybe taking Mandarin Chinese Level III, would that be frowned upon since I am chinese?</p>
H American Lit
AP French
<p>In response to aigiqinf's earlier post, my current schedule (sophomore) is: </p>
<p>0- (AP) Science Research
0- Weightlifting
1- AP Physics BC
2- AP Biology
3- AP Calculus BC
4- Modern World History (Honors)
5- Spanish 5 (Honors)
5.5- Leadership
6- (AP) PE (Yeah, they actually put me in (AP) PE, apparently it's a harder PE class for athletes)
7- English 3 (Honors)
8- Varsity Water Polo (2.5-3 hrs/day)
8- Worldwide Olympiad Training </p>
<p>Although, I must say that his schedule is quite demanding as well.</p>
<p>^ Ap Pe????</p>
<p>uhm...the only real APs are those from college board...aka not PE or science research</p>
<p>Junior ^_^</p>
<p>Honors Physics
AP Calculus
Honors Anatomy and Physiology
Honors Spanish III
AP English
Honors US History
Honors Bible 11
Strength Training</p>
<p>AP Chemistry</p>
<p>The only AP courses my school offers are English and Calculus. I take AP Chemistry in the evening through a different high school, so I'm hoping that will help make up for it.</p>
uhm...the only real APs are those from college board...aka not PE or science research
<p>I think "(AP)" denotes how they are weighting the class, and "AP" denotes an actual AP course.</p>
<p>aigiqinf is right, notice that I put (AP) before non college board (AP)s...they call it (AP) Science Research since it's a mandatory science research class for AP sciences, and as far as (AP) PE goes, I think that the PE teachers just like to feel important by calling one period a day "Advanced Placement"
lol, i'm well aware that both of these are bs</p>
<p>Whoooo Senior Year :DDD</p>
<p>0: Chamber Orchestra
1: DECA II/Marketing
2: AP Psychology
3: AP Language/Composition
4: AP Physics
5: AP Economics (Ind. Study)
6: AP Statistics</p>
<p>Nice schedule...I wish that our school would be lenient as to allow more courses, But unfortunately unlike you we cannot take like 10 courses (we're limited to 6). I mean, two 0 periods, haha..</p>
<p>But you have weightlifting. That's made of win.</p>
<p>Haha, thanks, I think my school's limit is 8 (w/ 1 zero period), but I just happened to be able to gain the system, since I'm on good terms with administration. I think at last week's site council meeting the principal was ranting about how 30% of the students take 7 classes lol, so it isn't really common practice to take more than 6. And the only reason I take weightlifting is because it's mandatory for varsity water polo, otherwise, I really would prefer some more time to sleep :)</p>