What are your thoughts on "opening letters"

<p>At our school, our guidance office hands transcripts and secondary school forms back to us sealed after we request them. However, a lot of students are choosing to request one "preview" school, so that they can take the letter home, rip it open, and examine the contents. Is this advisable? I'm not sure it's okay even legally, not to mention morally, since most students waive their rights to see their forms.</p>

<p>are we talking about recommendation type forms? or just transcripts, amd stuff the kids already should be aware of what they say</p>

<p>I mean what are they peeking at that they already don't have access to?</p>

<p>If the forms are the teacher recommendation forms, doesn't your school uusually send those directly?</p>

<p>What are they looking at? The counselor recs? or just a transcript and description of the school, which is not secret to the student</p>

<p>Either way, its not right to open someone else mail, and what would they do with whatever they find anyway</p>

<p>ANd you know the kid that peeks will probably get caust if they share with anyone</p>

<p>well...the students are opening the "transcript request envelopes" which have everything in them...transcript, high school profile, guidance rec form...etc.</p>

<p>My school doesn't send forms...they want us to mail them out...?</p>

<p>They wouldn't do anything with what they find in the letters...it's just curiosity. But, then again, curiosity killed the cat right? :D</p>

<p>well, your school is kind of silly for putting everything in the kids hands, expecting them to be totally honest and not peek</p>

<p>its wrong to peek, of course, but the school can't be THAT stupid</p>

<p>i don't think transcripts/high school profiles are a problem at all because.. you can just ask to have a copy of your unofficial transcript =) and high school profiles you should be able to access upon request</p>

<p>but guidance recs/forms are strictly confidential aren't they?</p>

<p>yeah...that was what I was wondering about. Requesting an extra letter isn't common procedure then?</p>

<p>um, no it is not...</p>

<p>so the kids are lying about how many schools they are applying to?</p>

<p>yeah...basically they don't need the extra letter they're requesting.</p>

<p>well, if I was a parent at that school and knew this was going on, I would let the school know there is a major problem with their "system"</p>