What can I do to improve?

UM is one of my top schools. If I get in and there is enough financial aid I will most likely go there. Here are some of my stats so I was hoping someone could give me advice on what to improve on! (Currently a junior)

Major: Nursing
Unweighted GPA: Not 100% sure prob 3.7
Weighted GPA: 4.76 (this will go up a good amount due to my grades 1st semester junior year)
ACT: 27 (first time - will take again hoping for 31/32 after I am done taking it ps I know it seems like a big increase but my first one was basically without studying)
SAT Subject Tests: N/A - will take Math II and US History most likely

Freshman Year
All A’s
All honors and 2 regular

Sophomore Year
All A’s, 2 B’s
All honors, 1 AP, 2 regular

Junior Year
All A’s, 1 B (so far - 1st semester)
All honors, 2 AP’s, 1 regular

Senior Year
Prob all honors, 3-4 AP’s, 1 regular

Oh forgot to include EC’s

NJHS - 9th and 10th grade / historian
NHS - 11th
Save the Memories - 10th and 11th / historian
Part of project to teach children English in Cambodia

You’ve got a good chance just keep taking the ACT and keep your grades and you should be in good shape

What do you think would be an ideal score? Also do you know if they superscore the ACT? @senya2018

Also are subject tests required?


They super score the act My super score was a 30 and I got in

Update: Weighted GPA is now 5.22 (as of 1st semester junior year)

@pl215382 Two biggest things you could do are things you are already planning: Take more AP’s(maybe take a summer class at JC too?)and improve your ACT. There is a BIG difference between a 27 and a 30 or 31.

Thanks for the advice, I think I will be able to get a 30. What do you mean by JC? @EDHDAD

@pl215382 JC=Junior College. You can a summer course in between your junior and senior year at your local junior college. I’m sure you can improve your ACT up to 30 if you put in the time studying. My son improved on the ACT by several points using khan academy(which is for SAT but it seemed to really help him on both ACT and SAT). He put in over 30 practice hours on khan academy according to the website.

Thanks so much! I’ll look into both of those things. @EDHDAD