What Can I Do to Make Myself More Attractive to Madison in the Year Ahead?

<p>Don’t have a web site proof read. Have a teacher or parents do so. Sports are good for the exercise, discipline and a host of other good reasons to do them. Those who do not choose sports have other ways of showing many good traits, sports are not the only way or needed to show similar desireable traits (your parents know you and figured sports were good for you- sounds like they have worked and been a way for you to do something physical and use time). As of now, STOP thinking about your UW application and enjoy the rest of your summer. Do not let college applications bcome an obsession. Enough done for now.</p>

<p>With a 31 ACT and 3.8+ UW GPA, then you’ll be (with 90% confidence) accepted even with sub-par essays and LoRs. I had a 34 ACT and 3.79 UWGPA, my essays weren’t the best (I only did a rough draft and proof-read once…took about 3 study hall periods) and I didn’t send in any LoRs. Although I sent it in literally a few minutes after they started taking applications, I was accepted on the first round through, no wait-list.</p>

<p>Do get those letters of recommedation, however. Little effort and no “what ifs” for the admissions decision. Not before school starts- relax.</p>

<p>I hate to bump this thread with another question but judging from the views, other people are using the advice from this thread to find answers. So, I’ll keep it all in one place.</p>

<p>Anyway, what’s the deal with setting up an online application account? I see I need to create one, but do I use my real name or just a made-up name (like this account’s name)? </p>

<p>Also, say my teachers sent in my rec letters online before I had my account set up? How will the adcoms know that these letters are meant for me? The app. can be sent in on Sep. 1st correct?</p>

<p>I apologize but I’m the oldest in my family and the first one to really go through this. I want to make sure I know what I’m doing.</p>

<p>You can set up any user name you like, but once you are accepted, your user name will be changed to fit the protocol for student email addresses. </p>

<p>For example, if you have an unusual last name (or the only person with that last name currently enrolled at UW-Madison), your user name / email address will become <a href=“mailto:lastname@wisc.edu”>lastname@wisc.edu</a>. However if you have a more common last name (or an older sibling is currently enrolled at UW-Madison), it can become <a href=“mailto:firstinitiallastname@wisc.edu”>firstinitiallastname@wisc.edu</a>. For more common last names/first initials, a number will be added (<a href=“mailto:JSMITH2@wisc.edu”>JSMITH2@wisc.edu</a>).</p>

<p>You may just want to use your last name, or your first initial and last name as your user name.</p>

<p>I’m baaaack. </p>

<p>I talked to guidance. My teachers will send the letters to the guidance dept. and they will send them with my final transcript and authorized ACT score to Madison all in one packet upon my request. </p>

<p>My essays are basically done. Hopefully, they will go over well. I shortened the first one down to about 550 words and kept the other one at about 900 (The second prompt asked me to be personal and so I was. I only hope it doesn’t sound too sappy).</p>

<p>Questions: </p>

<li>Do I need headings for the essays? Do they require titles?</li>
<li>Is the EC list from the paper application (about eight slots with years participated and awards) the same as the one online? If not, how do I fill out the online form?</li>
<li>I have AP scores that I would like to send in if only for the “brownie points”, how can I do this?</li>
<li>What is the deal about Sept. 1st vs. 15th? My transcript cannot be sent until Sept. 15th but I can apply before then…?</li>
<li>Will a significantly lower ACT score than my previous score be grounds for denied admission or for them to rescind me if I am accepted? I take it on the 10th.</li>

<p>I apologize if these are stupid questions. I have consulted what information was made available to me and am still confused. Any help is appreciated. </p>

<p>Thank You.</p>

<p>My GC sent in my transcript and letters just prior to the 15th. I filled out the online application before that, and the ACT scores were sent in when I got them (in April). </p>

<p>Will I be notified via email of some other means that all my stuff has been received? How does that work? Online, it only gives me the status of the fee (paid) and the applicant information+statements (green check mark). How do I find out the status of the LORs, scores and transcript?</p>

<p>I’m starting to work on other applications, so I’d like to be able sleep easy knowing this one is all done. Please fill me in. Thanks!</p>