<p>So I am currently a junior in highschool. I haven't taken my SATs yet (Oct. 6 ahhh!!! >.<) but one thing I am really worried about is my GPA.</p>
<p>I'm at a fairly competitive high school with over 500 students in my grade alone. I don't know my class rank yet (they come out end of this year) but my GPA right now is a 3.6 (unweighted) and a 6.58 (weighted, 7.0 scale) because I have gotten mostly A's but a few B's over my sophmore and freshman year. I take all honors/AP courses (for additional info).</p>
<p>IF I get all A's this year I can get a 3.79(unweighted). </p>
<p>I haven't taken the SATs yet but on full practice tests I average between a high 2200 and a low 2300.</p>
<p>I won't bore you guys with ECs but I do a lot of volunteer work and have some great ECs.</p>
<p>***What I am really concerned about is my GPA. My dream schools are UPenn and Johns Hopkins. I really want to know if I a good chance at these schools based on my current GPA. I'm really trying my hardest to bring it up but I need some opinions on my chances.</p>
<p>I was admitted (with a likely letter, FWIW) with a 3.4UW GPA. A 3.6 or 3.7 won’t kill you, especially if the rest of your app is solid. Don’t fret it.</p>
<p>A 3.6, even a 3.79, will not be a strength in your application at either Penn or JHU. Not fatal, as noted above, but not a strength.</p>
<p>If you’re admitted to either JHU or Penn, it will be because something other than your grades convinced them that they wanted you instead of another applicant. Do you know what that “something” might be? If you do, work hard on emphasizing it and showing it off to best advantage in your applications. If you don’t know, then you might be in a bit of trouble.</p>
<p>At my son’s school your gpa would put one in the valedictorian range, definately top 5%. So, gpa means almost nothing without knowing more about grade distribution at a school that issues the gpa. Alternatively, if you took a bunch of AP and SAT Subject Tests in junior year, and have scores, post them. That would give us some idea of your prep to handle rigorous courses.</p>