What classes should I take? Advice on Profs?

<p>Right now I'm planning on taking:
Cogs 17 Neurobio- Christine Johnson
BIMM 100 Molec bio- Lorraine Pillus
Physics 1B/1BL-Anderson</p>

<p>Does my schedule seem manageable?</p>

<p>I should be taking Chem 140B next quarter, but the professors are really bad...edith glazer and tadeusz molinski. Anyone hear of the two? should I just take it?</p>

<p>Also I'm debating between cogs 17 and cogs 11. Cogs 11 is minds and brains with mary t boyle. Any advice on the two profs? Which one is easier?</p>

<p>Also anyone heard of Niwa Maho for BIMM 100? How is she?</p>

<p>one [possible] disadvantage of taking 140B in the fall is that you’ll be taking it with the crew of kids who all got 4’s on their AP chem test and are taking 140A next quarter. if you’re not so good with chem to begin with, it’s not going to get any easier. one suggestion would be to take 140B during SSII, are you going to be around?</p>

<p>Neurobio is more pertinent if you’re planning on going into med</p>

<p>Minds and brains still <em>probably</em> be talking about cognitive neuroscience or the philosophy of mind.</p>

<p>Eh, I also need advice for 140B professors next quarter so any advice would also be grateful.</p>

<p>As a Cogsci major I have been told never to pass up any chances in which Boyle and Johnson are teaching. If you’re more into anatomy and physiology then take cogs 17. Cogs 11 is more a mix of neuroscience and philosophy of the mind as oyama says (though I’ve never taken the class myself so I don’t know).</p>