<p>I was wondering what colleges seem hopeful for me with my qualifications. I'd like to stay in California. However, I can go elsewhere if I can be accepted into a school that is of possibly higher caliber. Also, what colleges seem like good safety schools for me? Thank you so much for your time.</p>
-English for pre-law</p>
-Honors Enrichment Program
-ASB Senator
-Director of Foreign Affairs for the We the People club (possibly becoming V.P. or President next semester)
-Possibly ICC club next semester if needed for the We the People club</p>
<p>Likely GPA during the time I transfer next year:
-3.4 - 3.5</p>
<p>Attending CC location:
-Southern California</p>
-I work a highly demanding job that requires management type authoritative work that I work part time (Service Deli Clerk. Notorious for being the most difficult department in the store) and receive excellent customer service responses from.</p>
<p>High School GPA
<p>Social work:
-I am a outspoken person on the social scene with civil rights, civil liberties, womens' rights, rights of minorities, etc.</p>
<p>apply to all of the UC's and USC.</p>
<p>That seems like a good idea. Do Cal and UCLA seem like hopeful possibilities? My GPA may end up being 3.5 but it will show a STRONG correlative increase. I didn't start getting into gear until the last month of my 2nd semester. I took my grades from very below average and sub par test scores to a scaling high B. I have the ability to achieve excellent grades. However, I just have had a hard time balancing classes with work and clubs. I have just recently gotten grip on handling them all. Do you think Cal will take notice at my profusive increase in grades rather than just the fact that my GPA is 3.5? I have teachers that will write recommendations for me per the fact that they greatly like my work.</p>
<p>1st semester:
All C's and 1 A
2nd semester:
All B's and 1 C
An A
3rd semester (coming up):
All A's
4th semester:
All A's</p>
<p>yes, progressivley getting higher grades is a huge + other than grades going down. All I can say is do your best and you'll find somewhere that will fit for you. Even if you don't get all A's don't let up in your studying.</p>
<p>From what I've seen, you will get into many UC's with a 3.5. However, you will probably need a bit more to get into UCLA and Cal. For English, and with your grades, you should aim for UCI.</p>
<p>The Honors program at my school is suppose to be a fast-track into major UC schools; i.e. UCLA, UCI, Cal, UCSB, etc. I am just hoping that at least UCLA follows through with the program.</p>