<p>Okay so I am a current sophomore at a private school in N.VA.
I really screwed up my freshman year (ending with a GPA of probably around 3.5) (it was a very difficult year for me..close family deaths etc) </p>
<p>I took 2 honors classes and the rest college prep (which is basically the same as regular at other schools..we just call it prep)</p>
<p>This year I am in 1 honors, rest prep. my grades are much higher though. I do think I have a B or B+ in one or two classes though. </p>
<p>On the bright side, I am in many EC's. Clubs are SADD, Keyettes, Vegetarian club(founded it), and I am our homeroom rep.
Sports are swimming, tennis, and crew. </p>
<p>I would love to attend Duke. most likely for engineering. Please help me out on what I should do/if I have a good chance. :) Thanks guys!</p>
<p>It is IMPOSSIBLE to tell you what you need to do/your chances just based off of the info you provided.</p>
<p>What are your test scores? Have you had any leadership experience (club offices, etc.)?</p>
<p>Grades are NOT everything.</p>
<p>I am president in the club i founded and sophomore representative for the SADD club. </p>
<p>awards so far is 3rd place in science fair. </p>
<p>I haven't taken the SAT yet, PSAT i was 73 percentile I believe...getting better! (hopefully) I plan to take the SAT this summer or early junior year.</p>
<p>If you score in the 73rd percentile on the SAT, it would be doubtful. Duke admissions are very difficult. I would suggest you work on test scores in general, ECs, and taking a difficult courseload, granted that you do well with it.</p>
<p>I know my test scores are not the best at the moment, but I still have another 2 years of high school to get them up. I have only taken the PSAT after all.. not even the SAT yet. I am looking more for what direction to go in, what classes etc. By no means do I think i would be able to get in with my current scores! that would be ridiculous to even think about!</p>