what do students at UM wear?

<p>Hi all,
I'll be entering UM in the fall. Just wondering, what do college kids wear usually? I've heard some people go in their pajamas, but doesn't that look disrespectful to the professors? And i've heard some people (females) wear nice sun dresses (well because miami is the perfect place to wear nice sundresses) to class, but they are considered "over dressed"
so im confused! haha
can anyone help me out so i will know what to pack for the fall?
And do college kids take backpacks to class, satchels, or large handbags (females) for carrying books?

<p>Where whatever you feel comfortable in… and I’m probably the one who mentioned the PJs because I’m one of the people who does it. (I don’t think it’s disrespectful… when I dress well I do so not to show respect, but to show that I’m well put together, which is something that I would want to show in, for example, a job interview).</p>

<p>But it really does vary. Some people wear top of the line, brand new clothes all the time, some dress conservatively, some I question whether they’re actually wearing clothes from a distance, and others, like me, dress in casual, outdoorsy, hiking type clothes.</p>

<p>Just wear whatever you feel comfortable in. It really doesn’t matter.</p>

<p>And the backpacks thing depends too. Most people bring backpacks, but not everyone. I’m in the habit of just bringing my laptop to class (I have e-books), but I’ll bring a backpack when I need books or other materials that are kind of bulky.</p>

<p>It depends on whether or not you are from South Florida.</p>