What do they REALLY need in Lakeside?

<p>The move in day is scheduled and now we need to know exactly what is necessary for my son’s dorm room. Well…I mean besides the obvious (Twin-XL bedding, towels, and such). Any advice and help would be great! Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>D is in Riverside and what we will be bringing is some necessities for cleaning. Is Lakeside a suite style dorm? If so, he will need that. If it has hall bathrooms, not really. She is also going to bring some dishes and kitchenware to use in her kitchen and also the community kitchen. Things like plates, bowls, utensils, etc. She is starting out on the meal plan that is less than the max so we expect her to eat some meals in her suite.</p>

<p>Honestly you don’t really “need” that much. Sheets, towels, toilet paper, and personal hygiene items are all you really need. Everything else is for added comfort and up to personal wants & desires.</p>

<p>Here is a link to the UA “What to Bring” list. You can use it to decide what to bring. It also lists what not to bring :)</p>

<p><a href=“http://movein.ua.edu/WhatToBring.pdf[/url]”>http://movein.ua.edu/WhatToBring.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Note that while toasters are listed as something not to bring on the page BamaMomof3 linked, they are allowed. It’s an error that hasn’t been corrected for at least 3 years.</p>

<p>As the others have said, once you have the essentials, everything else is optional, but usually recommended.</p>

<p>Good to know about the toaster! D’s suite mate mentioned bringing a toaster oven and we wondered…</p>

<p>Thanks for the link and the info! So a toaster oven IS allowed in Lakeside?
Also—do the Twin-XL sheets, mattress pads, fit those beds? I have a different measurement than what the sheets are measuring, but it may be the “nut behind the wheel”. lol</p>

<p>A toaster is allowed; a toaster oven is prohibited. Beds in Lakeside, like all the super-suite dorms, are Twin-XL.</p>

<p>In the end, what does “prohibited” reaaallly mean? :wink: A toaster is a good idea though - toast with nutella at 2 AM makes a tasty snack!</p>


LOL, glad to know I’m not the only one who thinks this way. My roommate and I bought a bunch of stuff for our bathroom at Bath & Body Works…and there were some matching candles…and no one wants a bathroom that smells bad…</p>

<p>Glad to hear about the toaster. I mean, I love toaster strudel, and it’s built right into the name – a toaster is necessary.</p>

<p>I have to say that open flames are NOT a good idea. There is a legitimate reason that they are prohibited…do you really want a room mate or floor mate (maybe tipsy) using candles and forgetting about them?? There are plenty of bathroom products that emit scent that are not open flame products. Also, products that emit a continuous scent may be irritating to room mates who have allergies or asthma. Just my advice…be cautious and considerate of everyone who lives in the building.</p>

<p>robot–thanks!! I was getting jittery when Regina mentioned candles. :o</p>

<p>yeah, i think there are plenty of scent options besides candles.</p>

<p>reginaphalange: I buy air fresheners once a month. They run about a buck at Wal-Mart. They work in bathrooms, bedrooms and common areas. My son uses them in his suite, and the place has no smells. Leave the candles at home, because if you are caught, the consequences probably won’t be too pleasant.</p>

<p>Just don’t bring any posters of Auburn cheerleaders. Will wreck your social life.</p>

<p>they probably have a plug in type thing at BBW. that is what we use.</p>

<p>There are some faux candle scented products available now; Febreze has one that has a cardboard insert to activate the light and contains the scent. Also acted as a dim light in the bathroom post tornado when D went to take her shower and there was no power. </p>

<p>There are also the scented oil products that have reeds you insert to wick the aroma out of them. </p>

<p>Most of the regulations in place regarding appliances are there because of fire hazards. I would NEVER light a candle in a dorm room; too many chances for something to go wrong with awful consequences.</p>

<p>Does Alabama’s website have a page where I could view the layouts of the rooms?</p>

<p>Yes, click on the dorm you want, and then click ‘floor plan’ </p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“http://housing.ua.edu/halls/hall_list.cfm]Student”>http://housing.ua.edu/halls/hall_list.cfm)</p>

<p>Thanks gojack!</p>