What electives to take

<p>I have 5 options, but I want to choose a course that will not occupy a significant space of my studying time.</p>

<p>Sociology of Medicine
Intro to Music Theory
Gen. Psychology
Logic, Reasoning, Persuasion
Intro to Archaeology</p>

<p>I want to focus on my core curriculum, and spend most of my energy studying for the "important" subjects, so I have to select a course that is not very challenging...but preferably of the first three. Which do you recommend?</p>

<p>Also, are humanities/social science electives 2-semester courses?</p>

<p>Intro to Music Theory, if you have some background in music. Next would be Gen. Psych depending on the professor.</p>

<p>I will be a BME, so all my classes will be on Busch. Yes, I do have background in music, but the problem is, if I decide to take Music Theory, I will have to sacrifice 1 hour back and forth each time commuting to Cook/Douglass where Mason Gross is.</p>

<p>I heard that psychology, too, has some hefty workload and participation requirement for a number of experiments. Do you know anything about this course by any chance?</p>

<p>Most of the experiment participation can be done online (like doing a 5-minute survey). Gen psych is really easy, I read the textbook and went to lecture. No homework, or assignments, or anything other than participating in experiments: we had 4 exams (including the final, which was non-cumulative) and the lowest exam score got dropped.</p>

<p>Leyton and Musumeci are good for professors.</p>

<p>But more importantly, choose which one you enjoy the most. It won’t take long to do the necessary work if you like the material. If you take an easy course and dread it, you won’t get the work done as efficiently.</p>

<p>Doesn’t psychology largely relate to biology especially when you study ecological behaviors and parts of brain? How many kids were at lecture each time? How much time, on average, did you spend studying for psych? Also, did you use the study guide?</p>

<p>It’s a 1 semester course, right?</p>

<p>Sociology of Medicine is VERY time consuming. I would not take it if you don’t think you’ll have time to devote to it. I thought it was very interesting and I don’t regret taking it, but I worked hard for my A!</p>

<p>Gen Psych with Leyton is very easy…he wants everyone to do well and he’s very helpful.</p>



<p>There are some biological applications, like neurons and communication across parts of the brain. But you don’t need to be amazing at bio to understand the material.</p>

<p>Mine was in a pretty big lecture hall. It was full most of the time because my professor put exam questions about things she discussed in class (easy topics, they were just to check if you attended class). The professor also offered a lot of in-class extra credit, so it was an incentive to go to class. Other professors had graded clicker questions during lecture, so people basically had to go to class.</p>

<p>For studying, I read the textbook. Mine didn’t come with a study guide, so studying comprised of reading and re-reading the chapters. It helps to take notes on the sides of the pages too. Studying probably took only a couple hours the weekend before the exam, given that I’ve already thoroughly read each chapter.</p>

<p>Yes, it’s only 1 semester. Eventually, you’ll need to take upper-level electives, so if you take gen psych you could take a higher-level psych course later on, for example: cognition, social psych, abnormal psych, or infant and child development.</p>

<p>When you’re registering for psych, are you allowed to choose whose class you want to be in? Also, if you had Musumeci, what textbook did you use? It seems like every psych professors have predilection of different textbooks. I thought Introduction to Psychology by Kalat was the standard psych 101 book, but I guess not.</p>

<p>I’m afraid Leyton isn’t teaching psych during Fall 2011 this year; I have an option of choosing Chavez, Brill, Musumeci, Nolan, and Ingate.</p>

<p>You’re allowed to choose (you can change it after they mail you your schedule during the add-drop period). If you don’t like your schedule, you can change it during the first couple weeks of the fall semester. This can be done by going to webreg.rutgers.edu, and it’s really easy to choose/change courses. I had Musumeci, don’t take Brill or Ingate. Musumeci also taught on Busch, which was very convenient.</p>

<p>My textbook was Psychology in Action by Huffman, but the psych department seems to change textbooks all the time. Also, different professors may have different textbooks.</p>

<p>Yes, I will probably end up choosing Psych 101 since it partially occupies my interest. Do you mind if I ask you what grade you got in that class with the effort you put in?</p>

<p>I got an A. Effort can vary between people because some people might take a longer time until they understand the material. Some people didn’t read the book, slept through lecture, and aced the course. But I still had to read the book and take notes to prepare.</p>