<p>I mean, going to an Ivy or a very well-known college/university does not just automatically set one up for success later in life and does not automatically mean that you will become rich later in life.</p>
<p>Also, for the Undergraduates who go their, and are aspiring for Law/Med/Business professions, I don't understand why they would send so much money on their Undergrad college when it will not even be the one that matters, it will be their Grad school. Why not take a generous scholarship to a smaller college, and save the money? It doesn't make any sense.</p>
<p>And do you necessarily get a better education at the Ivies? I would think not. I think one can find an education at a lesser-ranked college that will be on par with HYPS, etc. </p>
<p>I mean, I do not see the big deal about getting into the big schools. Is it ALL about prestige? Why not save thousands upon thousands of dollars, get the same education, and then go to the same Grad school an Ivy grad might go too? Or is everyone just rich?</p>
<p>So....what is it all about?</p>
<p>I take it your parents are not Asian.</p>
<p>Too many people miss the very important point of college besides education.</p>
<p>Networking (at least, this was a big reason for me in choosing Cornell)</p>
<p>However, your arguments have a lot of merit, and it's something I've wondered myself: why did I choose Cornell from a financial standpoint. even after its 8000/year research grant, total expenses are still in the high 30k's compared to my state school's average 14k a year + top program (maybe it's because I felt snubbed by my state school in terms of how much merit aid they gave me....... oh well!)</p>
<p>Edit: LOLOLOL!!!!! Yeah, I agree, I don't think your parents are Asian :D</p>
<p>It really is more than just Asians. I think it's any group that have watched the wealthy and connected get more wealthy and better connected through the "right" schools. Caribbean folks are right up there.</p>
<p>It's like winning the lottery.</p>
<p>It's a big deal because most people can't do it. It doesn't gaurentee success but it gives you an edge. Why not take it?</p>