Capped weighted is a maximum # of Honors points (8 semesters) in the GPA calculation for the a-g courses taken 10-11th grades while the Fully weighted UC GPA is an unlimited # of Honors points. UC’s consider the Unweighted, Capped Weighted (which is most often cited in the UC stats) and the Fully weighted UC GPA.
I’ve noticed that colleges frequently use a fully weighted GPA when publishing their data broadly (e.g. Rankings). That is because they are comparing themselves to other colleges and no real national rule of GPA calculation exists.
I subscribe to the South Carolina GPA definition (Google it).
@sbdad12 The 4.32 in the article is the average of the ADMITTED students for fall 2019. Some of these students will choose to enroll at UCSB, and some will go elsewhere.
The 4.12 in the UCSB Common Data Set is the average of ENROLLED students, that is, those among the admitted students who actually ended up enrolling in the freshman class of UCSB in the fall of 2018.