<p>In my junior year, I got 1850 and I wanted to get 2200. So over the summer, I studied about 4-6 hours a day just for SAT I and especially on CR because I'm weak in passage readings. And I took practice tests almost twice a week every week, sometimes real CB SAT I tests I got from tutor, but sometimes PR, Kaplin, Barron 2400 practice tests. Right before I took October test, my scores from practice tests ( one sitting) were 2150 to 2200 repeatedly. </p>
<p>But then I got 1870 on Oct test. </p>
<p>So I don't know what to do now... It's REALLY embarrasing to talk about this actually, but I REALLY needed help. I'm taking SAT I again in December, </p>
<p>I talked to my tutor and some other people that knew about my effort and they all told me they have no idea what happened. So please help... i need it.</p>
<p>mm?? there must be something wrong.
i got a 1800 in may, i studied over the summer, like 3-4 hrs each day, i pwned BB, then OC, then QAS,i got a 2070~` i’ve been getting 2080-2140s in 1 sitting QAS,so my scores are quite consistent. u? hmmm i highly suspect that its the non-cb’s fault. those barrons princeton,those crap.if u use those,u’re destined to fail~~ have u depleted the ones i listed from CB above?? u have to use those~ they are identical to real SAT u’ll see on saturday.</p>
<p>What’s the breakdown of your scores?
Because I’d say Math and especially Writing are extremely easy to prepare for. (Went up 200 points in Writing and I suck at grammar. You just start to see a pattern after a while)</p>
<p>the BIG BLUE BOOK helps aLOT. it’s VERY similar to the actual tests.</p>
<p>that’s…really odd. The only thing I can think of is that you completely choked. You were like, “OMG I’ve prepared 498459 hours! I must get a 2200+!” instead of “Relax. I am going to do my best, whatever that “number” is.”</p>
<p>^^ that could be true! i was really nervous sophomore year because it was my first time and all i could think about was how badly i was going to do. i got 590 CR and 580 W haha</p>
<p>wow thanx everyone!! I think nerve was part of the problem… I think I was too conscious about the score… and Ren the SAT’er, what’s OC and QAS and where can I get those?
and my scores were Reading-550 writing-670 math-650. and really, thanks all, these are really helpful!!</p>
<p>My advice: don’t focus on writing at all. I never studied for Writing, and had 670 and 720 1st and 2nd time respectively. Reading and Math are more important, and your writing score is already good, so focus on the 1200/1600 instead of the 1870/2400. You have time, but not a lot, so start memorizing some word lists. I went 560CR to like 650 CR by just studying 1000+ words (and some passages). Google “sparknotes 1000” and start memorizing. I guarantee you that at least 10 words from sparknotes will appear on the SAT (whether as answers or choices). For math, just keep taking practice tests, but yeah definitely focus on reading mainly.</p>
<p>thanks for the advice, RahoulVA. But I only got 1-2 wrong on sentece completion section. I got all points taken off from passage reading. do you have any advice for passages?? anyone?</p>