What if I am not 10% sure I want my potential roommate?

<p>Oops, I meant to put 100% sure, not 10%…</p>

<p>Sorry for making what seems like a thread a week, lol!</p>

<p>This girl and I requested each other but I am not sure if she is the person I want to be with, as the roommate selection process just began.</p>

<p>I am just curious if our roommate “requests” are set in stone and I cannot opt out of rooming with this girl if I decide to at a later date?</p>

<p>I hope I don’t sound rude to you guys, I really am not trying to, I am just really nervous about being roommates with someone!</p>


<p>You can definitely change your mind at a later time. Under Accepted Roommates, you’ll find the student’s screen name, and right under that will be an option to delete that roommate.</p>

<p>I would encourage you to make sure that you’re open and honest with this roommate if you feel you may not be a good fit. Some fair warning on your part might help the other student be open to other options as well. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to leave her in the lurch right before room selection!</p>

<p>Hope this helps,
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>^This is why I love UA. You ask a question about housing, and BAM! a user with the name “UAHousing” perfectly answers your question.</p>

<p>Roll tide!</p>

<p>^^^ just to be clear, “that user” really IS a representative of the university and she is the real deal.
Thanks again to Janine for watching this forum and answering questions.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Thanks! I didn’t expect answers this quick. I know I should tell her right away but I would feel so rude if I did that to her. Hopefully I will come to a decision soon!</p>

<p>DD and I were looking through the profiles last night. I think it is a good idea to “try out” potential roommates. Consider it a dating period. You don’t need to commit right now. In this day and age of social media, you can really get to know someone before you decided to room with them. I believe there is about a six month time frame before room selections are made. No need to rush into anything!</p>

<p>New question, how can I even find a roommate if I don’t have a facebook and no one in the automatch for MyHousing is like me? My luck is terrible right now haha!</p>

<p>I’m nervous about the pat where it says your roommate can potentially make a room selection for you. If I wait until room selection will they just pair me with random people?</p>

<p>I’m not sure what changes have been made to the process, but this is how it has worked in the past.</p>

<p>Once a student paid the Enrollment Deposit, the student could pay the Housing Deposit on or after October 1st. Paying the Housing Deposit earlier provided an earlier room selection time.</p>

<p>Room selection times were assigned and provided to the student by Housing at some point after the first of the year. Room selection is in the spring.</p>

<p>In past years, students registered a profile on the roommate finder. The system updated once per week. Students often used Facebook or other social media to scope out potential roommates. I highly recommend being honest on the profile and taking one’s time to select a roommate or suite mate. Not being honest on the profile will likely lead to issues down the road. There is no rush to commit too early. If a student does change his or her mind, it is only fair to let the other person know ASAP.</p>

<p>In previous years, students received a proxy code for room selection. Students could either select their community, building, floor, suite, and room for themselves and suite mates, or could provide the proxy code to another student with whom they planned to room if that student had an earlier room selection. Caution: It is a good idea for a student to change the proxy code if the student changes his or her mind about the roommate or once a room selection has been made.</p>

<p>At some point, Housing reserves the right to make the assignments for students who deposit past a specified date. I’d try to avoid that if possible.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>So long, proxy codes! Proxy codes were actually slowing down students being able to pull in a roommate through a variety of errors (typos, etc.). The new system will make it easier for confirmed roommates to pull each other into a space.</p>

<p>Wontgetin, it’s early!!! Only a small percentage of the freshman class has even applied to housing yet. You can log into your Housing application at any time and check back to see if you have new matches (which you will). Room selection is in the spring so there is plenty of time to look around.</p>

<p>PremedGirlTN, which part of the room selection process is making you nervous? By the time room selection rolls around, you and any confirmed roommates will have had a few conversations about what kinds of spaces you would want to select. So there shouldn’t be any miscommunication on that front. Whichever roommate has the earliest selection time will go in and select a space then place any other confirmed roommates in spaces in the same room.</p>

<p>My daughter was assigned housing and a roommate very late in the game. She was not sure where she wanted to attend and when she committed to Alabama ( which she LOVES) she was assigned a random roommate assignment.</p>

<p>She and the roomie touched base, they looked up each others fb profiles, and my daughter started flipping out that she and her assigned roomie had just about zero in common with each other in every possible category. They agreed to part ways, my D found an awesome roomie through a fb site where girls were looking for roommates.</p>

<p>Alabama housing was super helpful through this process. I told my daughter this is you heading off to college,not me, so if you want a change, you need to figure the process out on your own, which she did.</p>

<p>We did have the conversation of how living with someone totally different from yourself can be a very positive experience.But in the end it all worked out well. Contact housing , they are wonderful.</p>

<p>Son will be a Jr/ or Sr next fall and will want to pull a Freshman friend from home into his Honors suite. How does this work under the new system with computer matching and no proxy codes?</p>