What is an email of acceptance like?

<p>Can someone post the full email here? </p>

<p>just out of curiosity... </p>

<p>I am a foreign student, so I can't apply.</p>

<p>In my son’s experience, the admissions office is happy to answer questions via email (and promptly) but all the “official” stuff from them arrives via snail mail. Some info is posted on the candidate web site. His LOA arrived in the mail. His JROTC nomination was posted on the web site (no mail notice of that was sent). We were exchanging emails with his admissions officer regarding his pending medical waiver and he told us that the waiver had been approved and his offer was in the mail. Offer arrived about a week later. No other email notice.</p>

<p>I have no idea what an acceptance e-mail looks like.</p>

<p>I received an appointment by mail. I wasn’t even aware they did e-mail ones.</p>

<p>I don’t remember the exact wording (something like “On behalf of the President and the Secretary of the Army I would like to extend to you an appointment to the United States Military Academy”) but it came with a certificate.</p>