What is my unweighted GPA?

<p>(I know you can't find an accurate GPA from non-US courses, but I'm very interested in finding out what mine might be...)</p>

<p>What would 8 A<em>s and 2 As for GCSE be in GPA, along with 7,6,6,6,6,6 predicted for IB diploma?
I'm guessing that A</em> = A, A = B, and 7 = A, 6 = B, so maybe 3.56? But GCSEs are easier than A Levels/IB...</p>

<p>I know it's not exact; I'm just wondering where I am in terms of GPA for college admissions, if I achieve the predicted IB grades.</p>

<p>For one of the GCSE grades, A was the maximum you could get (Distinction in OCR ICT). Does this factor into GPA, if I don't know any more precise information?</p>

<p>Would I have to get 7s in all IB subjects to get a 4.0 GPA?</p>

<p>(Also would self-studying AP Physics BC and taking the exam factor into my GPA, if it's outside of school?)</p>