<p>I really want to go to UM and major in computer science (preferably at LSA). </p>
<p>One option is to go to Washtenaw, take all the gen eds and transfer. But the CS courses at WCC don't seem very promising, and there aren't many. My second option is to go to UM dearborn, get a high GPA and transfer since the GPA goes through, but I feel that it would be a risk getting a high GPA. </p>
<p>What should I do?</p>
<p>If I were you, I would just go to WCC. Community colleges typically look preferable to recieveing colleges because students HAVE to transfer as opposed to 4-year-universities where they would just like to. WCC is also significantly cheaper, and I don’t think you will be missing much as opposed to going to a traditionally commuter school like UM-Dearborn. </p>
<p>Your GPA concern really isn’t an issue. Classes at community colleges can be just as difficult (if not more so) than the classes given at a 4-year-university. Even if your program ends up being easier or harder than another at a different university, you’d be fooling yourself into believing that other colleges (especially large ones like U-M and MSU) aren’t also aware of these things and don’t take them into consideration.</p>
<p>If you can afford Dearborn, why not just go to State (assuming you can get in)? Go there and enjoy a real college experience and transfer to Michigan. But only consider the transfer if you have really good friends at Michigan. Otherwise you’re not going to have many friends once there and your final two years will suck.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>