What is the Brown student?

<p>Obviously, Brown students are intelligent, focused, and not socially inadequate. However, I do find myself wondering if Brown students are cliquely, condescending, and I know these are really broad, sweeping questions, but do you think Brown students feel defined by their intelligence?</p>

<p>no (10 characters).</p>

<p>They’re defined by their swag. Like everybody else in the Ivy League. Duh.</p>

<p>I don’t know any Brown students, so I would really like to know how swaggarific my Brown Brothers are. No pun intended.</p>

<p>Obviously you have to be very intelligent to build the necessary credentials to get into Brown, but that pretty much applies to any of the top 20 or 25 schools. I think a strong independent streak and a willingness to diverge off the common path is the most distinctive characteristic of Brown’s students.</p>