What is your opinion?

would a student with
35 ACT (35 Math, 34 English, 32 Reading, and 34 Science with 11/12 on Essay)
2120 SAT (770 Math 680 Reading 660 Writing 9/12 on Essay)
3.63 UW GPA/4.3 Weighted GPA
10% Class Ranking
With 500 hrs of volunteering at a hospital
Class President of Senior Year
Junior Class Representative
French Club President (Senior Year)
Youth in Government (Leadership Team, 4 people from club)
Section Leader (Marching Band)
Principal Chair Trumpet (Symphony Orchestra & Symphonic Band)
Model United Nation Member
Boy Scout for 7 years, working on Eagle Project
Key Club Member
NHS Member
University of Michigan Youth Band Member for 2 years
University of Michigan Youth Symphony Orchestra Member for 2 years
Alpine Club Member (Skiing)
Honor Roll all Three Years
Pit Orchestra </p>

<p>have a shot at getting into the U? In case you haven't noticed, this "student" lives in Michigan. Also, what type of scholarship would this person get?</p>

<p>Briefly: in for sure with at least 20k scholarship if not 24k and a Singer/Stamps invite. Should apply EA. Great stats!!</p>

<p>Hi, sorry, my ACT is actually 34. Typo. But thanks for the reply :]</p>

<p>My daughter actually has similar stats - but slighly higher GPA, class rank (top 5%) and SAT’s and only received a 16k scholarship. She also had great EC’s and community service. We are from PA. A friend from PA with similar stats but also valedictorian of his class also only received 16k. Apparently, there was more competition this year and scholarship criteria were raised.</p>

<p>@Warmweather- I’m hoping that I do get a decent scholarship, around 20K as I don’t want to be paying too much for undergrad because I hope to go onto med school. Otherwise, I might as well as go instate and go University of Michigan because their instate tuition costs are fairly low.</p>

<p>Unless next year’s class is less competitive, you will probably get in with a 16k scholarship. The scholarship standards on the website are not true. If they were, I would have received the 24k & Stamps invite. I had similar stats with better class rank, same standardized test scores, and a lot more EC diversity. Work on your class rank because that will automatically disqualify you for things like honors if you aren’t in the top 5%. Also, you have a lot of ‘academic’ ECs like band, model UN, boyscouts, etc., so maybe try getting more artistic/athletic ECs that will make you stand out. Unless you want to go into music, try to find ECs that match what you want to do. They also like regional/state/national-level awards. Good luck!</p>

<p>The University of Michigan has a great pre-med program and its excellent med school accepts a high percentage of its own undergrads compared to those who come in from other schools. I can understand wanting to get out of state but that’s a really good deal to pass up.</p>

<p>Don’t get me wrong, University of Michigan is definitely on my college list. As much as I love that school, I’m looking for a school that’s smaller and more manageable, Michigan has some 40,000 kids while Miami has 10,000. A place where I won’t freeze to death, I’m originally from California… I’ve been looking at Miami forever and it seems like the college that’s perfect for me, I’ll most likely visit it next year. Michigan is too big of a school for me, that’s my only problem with it.</p>